London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT Calls Meeting Over Dismissal of Interserve Members


A resolution has been received from Finsbury Park Branch which is as follows: -

“Finsbury Park Branch calls on the General Secretary to conduct a ballot for industrial action among our Interserve cleaning members on LUL to deal with systematic deductions of pay from our members and routine harassment and dismissal of our members.”

RMT Executive Endorses Branch Motion Calling for Four Day Working Week on Tube

EVERY JOB MATTERS – DEFENDING JOBS ON LONDON UNDERGROUND (LUL/14/5) Further to my previous Circular (IR/170/15, 17th July 2015) the General Grades Committee has considered and endorsed a resolution from Neasden Branch concerning our ongoing Every Job Matters dispute which is copied below in full.


Fleet 'Use of Agency Staff' Industrial Action Suspended as Agreement Reached

Branches will be aware that we have been in dispute with London Underground over the plan to use of Agency staff to undertake training. This action by management was in breach of the Fleet Core Work Agreement and the training organisation agreement reached in discussions at ACAS. On top of this there had been a total lack of consultation over this important issue.

New Action Called In Pay And Night Tube Dispute

Further to my previous Circular (IR/170/15, 17th July 2015), the union’s General Grades Committee yesterday considered the latest situation in our dispute with LUL over Pay and Night running. Firstly I wish to congratulate LUL members for their steadfast resolve and determination on the recent days of action. This magnificent show of solidarity sent a crystal clear message that members demand a decent offer to keep pay up with the cost of living and adequately compensates for the introduction of night running.

Tube Bosses Response At Tube Strike ACAS Talks 'Very Negative'

To all RMT members in London Underground:

This morning myself and senior RMT stations reps met LUL, with the other unions at ACAS.

The first session dealt with Every Job Matters (Fit For Future Stations) We met management face to face and made a strong case for increasing jobs , no worsening of our rosters, protection for medically restricted staff, part timers, displacements, and so on. Essentially for many improvements for all grades effected.

The response was very negative.

M Door Dispute Discussions Continue


We met with management to discuss the Jubilee Line M Door issue, and a host of other issues at a recent Tier 2A meeting.

The upshot is, we are still no nearer a resolution on this issue. We will need another meeting to discuss the issue further, but in the meantime, management have a agreed not to ask any driver to carry on to the next station to check should they receive an M Door activated alarm. Drivers will be allowed to go back and check, even between stations.

ACAS Talks Halted Over Union Safety Concerns

Talks aimed at settling the dispute over night running on London Underground have been halted this morning (Tuesday) after tube union RMT was called in for an emergency meeting with the safety regulator following a series of serious breaches of safety protocols over the past week directly linked to the RMT overtime ban.

The talks were due to recommence at ACAS this morning but have been shelved to allow for RMT senior representatives to attend the urgent meeting at the ORR.

The safety issues have been raised by RMT over the weekend.