London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT to hold referendum on four day week proposal for Tube drivers

When RMT entered the London Underground pay talks, one of our original demands was a 4 day, 32 hour week with no loss of earnings. LUL has dismissed this. A counter proposal came from staff side for a 4 day 36 hour week. LUL said that this could only be achieved if the same amount of handle turning time is completed over 4 days as it was over five. This will inevitably involve changing the Trains Framework Agreement. Simple arithmetic shows working that four eight-hour shifts is never going to equal a 36 hour week.

Piccadilly Line drivers vote to strike over rife abuse of agreements

RMT confirms driver strike vote on Piccadilly Line over comprehensive breakdown in industrial relations

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that train operators across the Piccadilly Line have voted overwhelmingly for both strike action and action short of a strike over a comprehensive breakdown in industrial relations combining a range of issues. Over 70% voted to strike with an even larger majority for action short. The result will now be considered by the union’s executive.

Stratford & North Greenwich Train Drivers' News October 2015

Stratford & North Greenwich Train Drivers' News is the regular newsletter for train drivers based at Stratford and North Greenwich on the Jubilee Line.

In this edition:

  • Night tube service - severe delays
  • RMT driver back at work after CDI
  • Interviews In Cabs – Just Say NO
  • Oblique images
  • North Greenwich drivers forgotten by management again
  • Boxing Day Requests
  • News from the Piccadilly Line: justice for driver 

RMT Seeks Urgent Talks To Get Night Tube Process Back On Track

It has been widely reported today that London Underground's Night Tube Service will not now happen until next year.

Responding to the development; RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said; "This crisis management of the Night Tube could have been avoided if LU hadn't chosen to try and railroad through imposed rosters and had stuck to the agreed negotiating framework from the off.

Tube Bosses Transfer & Promotion Policy Unacceptable


Further to my previous Circular (IR/124/15, 14th May 2015), the Lead Officer has discussed the legal findings with the Stations and Revenue Functional Council Secretary and advised that LUL’s proposals for the T&P have not changed and remain unacceptable. The Company still want to remove the right to nominate for promotion to grades for which a licence is held. They are also proposing to remove payment for Higher Grade Working until three consecutive shifts have been worked.

TfL Pensions Consultative Committee Elections - RMT preferred candidates

Dear Colleagues,



TfL Pension Fund members are now receiving a ballot paper asking them to vote for candidates in the Section Three (LUL & Tube Lines employees) PCC election.

RMT members Paul O’Brien and Paul Murphy are standing for re-election and have been nominated by the London Transport Regional Council as their preferred candidates.

Piccadilly Drivers Balloted For Strike


Further to my previous Circular (IR/175/15, 23rd July 2015), members will recall the General Grades Committee took the decision to declare a dispute situation with London Underground over a catalogue of issues affecting Train Operator and Instructor Operator members on the Piccadilly Line, which include:-