London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Bakerloo News October 2015: Cleaners fight back

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for RMT members of the Bakerloo branch.

In this edition:

  • Cleaners fight back - RMT steps up campaign against exploitation

  • London Underground tries to undermine our unions

  • LU attacks disabled workers

  • Justice won for Grant West

  • We are international

  • Union guidance on ticket office training for CSAs

Download the newsletter and distribute it using the link on this page.

RMT making preparations for ballot to defend brother Hart


Following a resolution submitted earlier this year by Morden & Oval Branch regarding possible disciplinary action against Brother Hart, the Lead Officer has been keeping the case under review and the General Grades Committee took the decision to prepare for a ballot for strike action if Glen Hart receives a disciplinary warning for carrying out trade union activities.

Glen Hart - targeted by London Underground for Trade Union activities

They have already had one crack at him - and now they are back for another.

Glen Hart was following RMT instructions not to work over time during the FFFS dispute.

They tried to sack him for closing his station because there was no relief.

With no evidence they could not find against him.

They are now perusing more trumped up charges against Glen 

This time they centre on being rude to a manager - no witnesses and no evidence.

Please publicise Glens case around your workplace.

The RMT have vowed to defend Glen with everything we have

Jubilee South Branch Prepared to Defend Unfairly Treated Disabled Member

RMT London Transport Region's Jubilee South branch has unanimously passed a motion in support of branch member Francis Darcy.  Francis is a long term RMT member and London Underground worker; who is employed as a SAMF.  Francis developed Repetitive Strain Injury whilst doing her job, and despite the difficulties this condition has causes her, has maintained her condition, and was doing her job just days ago.  However at a recent 'case conference' the decision was taken to redeploy her to an unknown role, without warning.

RMT to prepare ballot for 'bullied and victimised' activist brother Hart

We note the report of the Lead Officer and we also note the GGC decision of the 28/05/15 that we would prepare a ballot for strike action if Bro Hart receives a disciplinary warning for carrying out trade union activities.

Bro Hart has been bullied and victimised since this date and now faces dismissal on trumped up charges that are related to his activities based on standing firm in defence of agreed and legitimate trade union activities.

LU Stations and the 4 Day Week

The General Secretary has written to all RMT members on LU to explain that LU has made it clear that all staff covered by the pay offer can discuss the specifcs of a compressed working week at functional level.

I would like to make it clear that the longer shifts that would be necessary for a four day week are already possible within our stations framework and this is why no refferendum of station staff is taking place.

85% Yes Vote For Piccadilly Line Strike


Further to my previous Circular (IR/236/15, 1st October 2015), the ballot has concluded with members voting as follows:-

Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast                171    

Number Voting ‘Yes’           123

Number Voting ‘No’            48

Spoilt Papers                     0

Question: Are you prepared to take action short of a strike?