London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Service Control - Protect Your Job

The text in this article is taken from the poster attached below. Please distribute it in your workplace


London Underground have taken unfair action against service control instructors and are pursuing this further to help cut staffing number.

Stop. Do not:

  • do not let your trainee touch anything without consenting to it first. Every button!
  • if you need a pnr (personal needs relief) you must shut the desk or cabin!!
  • do not have a trainee if you feel the risks are too great of losing your job

Investigation Demanded After Train Doors Open In Tunnel

Tube Union RMT today demanded a full investigation after it was revealed that the doors opened between stations on a packed Piccadilly Line train heading towards Heathrow on Sunday afternoon. Fortunately, the driver was alerted to the fault by a signal in the cab and was able to bring the train to a halt and ensure the safety of all passengers. The seriousness of the incident is reinforced by the fact that a baby in a buggy was close to the door that partially opened at the time.

YOU can help STOP London Transport cuts!

Join transport unions leafleting passengers against cuts on WEDNESDAY 23 OCTOBER

The government has cut funding to Transport for London by 12.5% from 2015. The Mayor of London proposes significant cuts to spending. His plans include:

  • the closure of all ticket offices on London Underground;
  • cutting substantial numbers of all grades of Tube staff – including maintenance workers;
  • removing guards from London Overground trains
  • driverless trains

Blog: Whitechapel - The Tip Of The Iceberg

On Saturday 19th October, around 50 people attended a protest outside Whitechapel Underground station in protest at the plans to permanently close the ticket office when the station undergoes refurbishment as part of the Crossrail project. The protest was organised by the East Ham Branch of the RMT – I am their Branch Secretary. Members from across the country, from all grades – shipping to management – came and offered their support, handing out leaflets to the public, gathering petition signatures and making lots of noise.

RMT To Participate In One Year Review Of Revised Harassment & Bullying Procedure

We note the report from our Regional Organiser. We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this union participates fully in the one-year review of the policy, raising our demand for the right to representation for those accused of bullying and/or harassment from the start of the process, and raising other issues identified by our representatives and branches.

Reports and developments are to be placed in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council, branches and LUL Harassment and Bullying representatives to be advised.

Significant Breakthrough Reached In Revenue Control Industrial Relation Breakdown

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and the verbal report from our LUL Revenue Control representatives that there has been significant progress on the issues that our members raised. We remain vigilant and instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report from our representatives and place this in front of us within 28 days.

London Transport Regional Council, branches with London Underground members and LUL revenue control representatives to be advised.

Unfilled Revenue Vacancies Unacceptable Says RMT

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and the verbal report from our LUL Revenue Control representatives that a significant number of vacancies remain unfilled. This is an unacceptable situation, as it is increasing our members’ workload, blocking promotion and transfer, and denying job opportunities at a time of high unemployment.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report from our representatives and place this in front of us within 28 days.

RMT Insists 'Protection Masters' Be Directly Employed

We note the report from our lead officer and branch secretary. We note that the individual cases are now concluded.

We reaffirm our insistence that all duties associated with protection should be carried out by directly-employed staff, and are alarmed at the apparent backtracking by the company on this matter.

We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this is pursued through the machinery of negotiation, and also to table this for discussion at the next meeting of the London Underground Briefing Forum.

Latest RMT Decision On Transfer Of Operational Resourcing From TfL To London Underground

We note the report from the lead officer, confirming that there is no negative impact on our members who work in this department. We instruct the General Secretary to carry out the remaining part of our decision Gww 3 October 2013, obtaining a report on any possible impact on those members across TfL and LUL who are affected by the work of this department.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.

  • Previous decision on this matter is here.