London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Executive Report Regional Council September 2013

This is our Council Of Executive Member Janine Booth's report to the regional Council meeting for September. This is just a brief overview - many of the items will be on this site, but you can find out more by attending regional council held on the last Thursday of each month at the Exmouth Arms near Euston Station. EQUALITIES REPORT Women • Advisory Committee meeting today; verbal report to be given

Professional Service Control Agreement

Attached is the "Professional Service Control Agreement" dated 5th January 2005.

This agreement covers all staff who are employed in the Service Control Function in the operation of Service Control and the arrangements for the staffing of Control Rooms and signal cabins operated by LU. This is supplementary to the Company’s “Principles of Employment”.

Demo: Save Whitechapel Ticket Office

The RMT will hold a demonstration opposing the closure of Whitechapel ticket office on Saturday 19th October between 09.30am and 10.30am, outside Whitechapel station.

Everyone is welcome to attend, so please feel free to spread the word to anyone you think would be interested.

Attached is a poster, which you can display in your workplace.

See you there.

Lorna Tooley
Branch Secretary
East Ham Branch, RMT

Following Holland Park Incident, RMT Tells Tube Bosses Guarantee To Retain Staff Or We Are In Dispute

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd regarding inner inter-car barriers. We also note the appalling incident at Holland Park station during the Notting Hill Carnival, during which distressed passengers escaped from the train by breaking through these barriers.

This incident - together with others, including the escape of a boy from a train in Queens Park depot on the Bakerloo line - completely discredit LUL's claim that these barriers prevent passengers escaping from trains when the doors are closed.

RMT Awaits Meaningful Talks To Avert Vic Line Strike

We note that London Underground Ltd has signed an agreement to extend the validity of our ballot mandate. We therefore suspend the strike action due to start at 2100 today (24 September 2013) and conclude at 0300 tomorrow (25 September 2013).

We affirm that our strike action due to commence on 8 October 2013 is not suspended, and remains in place. We instruct the General Secretary to provide all necessary support and advice to members taking part in this industrial action.

RMT Awaits Meaningful Talks To Avert Vic Line Strike

We note that London Underground Ltd has signed an agreement to extend the validity of our ballot mandate. We therefore suspend the strike action due to start at 2100 today (24 September 2013) and conclude at 0300 tomorrow (25 September 2013).

We affirm that our strike action due to commence on 8 October 2013 is not suspended, and remains in place. We instruct the General Secretary to provide all necessary support and advice to members taking part in this industrial action.

RMT London Calling Newsletter September 2013

In this months newsletter:

  • We Will Unite & Fight to Stop Job Cuts
  • Why Can’t LU Keep Ticket Offices Open?
  • RMT Taxi Branch Resists Attempts to Loosen Rules on “Plying for Hire”
  • RMT will Demand Payment for all Staff Working on Boxing Day
  • Tube Lines Pension Dispute
  • Bombardier Pay And Conditions Talks Continue
  • RMT Push For Increased Representation at TfL
  • RMT will Demand Payment for all Staff Working on Boxing Day
  • Back Dated Pay Rises For Cleaners & Security Workers Still Short Of London Living Wage
  • STOP PRESS: CLEANERS VOTE OVERWHELMINGLY to refuse to use fingerprint scanners to book on for Duty

This article and the attached newsletter was updated on the 22nd of September to remove an outdated story about a member facing disciplinary

LU Still Refuses to Discuss Ticket Office Closures

Following the publication, in the Evening Standard, of a plan to close every ticket office on the tube we wrote to the COO demanding an urgent meeting of the stations & revenue functional council.
Having refused to discuss ticket office closure plans at previous meetings we were a little surprised when an ad-hoc meeting was arranged for 5th Sept.
We needn’t have been. Management came to the meeting and told us, again, that they have no plans at this stage and therefore cannot discuss the matter!

Driverless trains: a warning from Helsinki

The underground railway (Metro) in Finland's capital city Helsinki is due to go 'driverless' in 2016. I discussed this with Finnish trade unionists Jussi and Satu, and heard a story that has important lessons for London Underground workers and passengers trying to prevent the same calamity happening in London.

The proposal to introduce driverless operation on the Helsinki Metro was first raised in 2007. The trade unions opposed it (note that as city council employees, the Metro workers are members of the public sector trade union rather than a transport union).