London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT Declares Dispute With LUL - Demands Agencies Brought In House

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and the feedback from our branches. We endorse his view that an important principle is at stake and that London Underground members can be convinced to take a stand on this issue.

London Underground's continuing use and abuse of agency staff is seriously detrimental to LUL employees, as it undermines their opportunities to obtain and retain work and creates disruption in the workplace. We therefore declare a trade dispute with London Underground Ltd, demanding that it cease the use of agencies and offer permanent, direct employment to agency workers, including those formerly supplied by Trainpeople.

Piccadilly Line Dispute Latest

Referring to decision GWW 21st May 2013. The meeting has now taken place and we note the report from our Regional Organiser regarding the substantial progress made and that the recommendation of our negotiating team is that we should regard this dispute resolved due to the following points:

SPAD Policy

'Cross Line Working' Dispute Update

The RMT has made great progress in our S Stock dispute with LU. But one sticking point remains - the issue of Cross Line Working.

Following talks at ACAS on Tuesday 21st of May your negotiators tabled a reasonable solution to the S Stock dispute which was flatly refused by LUL for spurious reasons. The RMT proposed that the timetable should be amended so that trains are picked from Moorgate Bay Road as opposed to Baker St Met platforms; our view was that this would not compromise any existing agreements or require any additional training.

Tory London Assembly Threats To Tube Workers Risk Massive Strike If Carried Out

TUBE UNION RMT warned today London Assembly members risk unleashing the biggest wave of industrial action on London Underground in 30 years after City Hall politicians lined up this morning to attack basic tube workers’ rights including pensions and passes.

RMT believes that this morning’s attack is part of a coordinated, political action designed to kick off the process of stripping away hard-won working conditions and workplace rights across the Underground network.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

MATS Newsletter May 2013

Admin CDI Note Taking
On Tuesday May 14th the Reps attended a MATS Functional Council meeting. The RMT was the union that put this on the agenda. At the meeting we were able to highlight the pressing issues around CDI note taking. The Reps pointed out how Admin were being told they had to take part in the pilot scheme and we insisted that this was voluntary and was not part of your role or job description.

ISS Cleaners Vote 100% For Strike Action


That we note the ballot result for both strike action and action short of strikes is follows:-

Total votes cast - 77

Number voting “Yes” - 77 (100%)

Number voting “No” - 0

Spoilt Papers - 0

We congratulate our members on their determination to fight against this employer’s attacks on their working conditions. We further note the recent significant increase in RMT membership and commend our representatives for achieving this.

Piccadilly Line Drivers Return Massive Yes For Strike


That we note the ballot result is as follows:-

Are you willing to take strike action?

Total votes cast ...203...

Number voting “Yes” ...182...(89.7%)............

Number voting “No” ....21.................

Spoilt Papers .....0...............

Drivers Vote For Strike Action Across the Sub Surface Railway


That we note the ballot results are as follows:-

Are you willing to take action short of strike action (Hammersmith & City and Metropolitan
line drivers)?

Total votes cast ...85................

Number voting “Yes”...80...(94.1%)............

Number voting “No”...5.................

Spoilt Papers...0.................

Are you willing to take strike action (Hammersmith and Edgware Road drivers)?

Total votes cast...49...............

Number voting “Yes”...41...(83.7%).............