London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Go Into Depots Or Sidings With Passengers On Board? Over Your Dead Body!

London Underground wants Bakerloo line drivers to drive out-of-service trains into depots and sidings without checking first that all passengers have got off the train.

This has resulted in over 3,000 passengers being carried into depots and sidings, many times more than on all other London Underground lines put together. On other lines, staff physically check the train is empty first.

RMT Believes LULs Upgrade Programme Used As A Pretext To Attack Jobs

Further to our decision Gww 8/1/13, we note the report from our representatives' meeting held on 25 January.

We note that London Underground's Upgrades programme has a significant impact on many of our members, including providing a pretext for LUL management to attack jobs and conditions. It is therefore essential that we mobilise all our relevant representatives to work together in unity to secure the best possible outcome for our members and for the future of London Underground.

RMT In Dispute With LUL Over Time Allowed For Drivers To Prepare Trains

Further to our decision Gww 18/12/12, we note the report from our representatives' meeting held on 25 January 2013.

We agree that since the method of detrainment on the Metropolitan line has altered, there should therefore be a retiming exercise, and instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report on our representatives' progress in ensuring that this takes place.

Unions Agree To Discuss A Joint Approach Over Use Of PMAs In Disciplinarys

We note the report on file regarding the outcome of the member’s case, and that this is now closed to the member’s satisfaction.

We continue to be very concerned, however, with the role played by the People Management Advice specialist (PMA). The email obtained under FOI shows clearly that the PMA took a decision beyond her authority, and LUL management even admit that it ‘looks’ like this, but ludicrously claim that a verbal assurance from the manager refutes this.

Bring Tube Contracts Back In House

Since the 1980s, various parts of London Underground have been hived off to the private sector, leading to pay cuts, job losses, worse services and more bureaucracy. The failures of these privatisations – and RMT campaigning – have led to some of these sections returning to public ownership:

  • Metronet collapsed in 2007 and became part of LUL again in 2008
  • Tube Lines was bought by TfL in 2010
  • Tube Lines has taken train maintenance at Stratford Market Depot away from Alstom and back in-house

Revenue & Station Grades AGM February 28th 2013

The station grades AGM is on Thursday February 28 at 1430 at the Exmouth Arms, Starcross st, NW1. nearest stations Euston & Euston Sq

We will be electing; Chair & Secretary If you wish to stand for these positions please come and put your name forward

We are also having a Regional recruitment/organising day on the Jubilee South branch area. Meet at London Bridge at 1030 on 28/02/13

Please come and support these events. Its your union make sure you have your say.

In solidarity

3000 Signatures: One Minute Of Your Time To Save The Jobs Of 33 Of Your Workmates

Please click this link to take part in our online campaign calling on London Underground to offer permanent employment to the 33 staff left without work when the Trainpeople agency’s contract came to an end:

LabourStart Campaign

Thirty-three agency staff working on London Underground, some for as long as five years, were told just before Christmas that the contract with their agency, Trainpeople, had been ended, and that they would lose their jobs in January.

Finsbury Park Branch News February 2013

Here is the latest edition on the Finsbury Park branch newsletter.

In this edition:

  • Protect your job, play it safe
  • Boxing not so clever
  • X-ray specs, anyone?
  • Hardship fund - what's it about?
  • Stiched up after helping out
  • Victoria Line drivers survey

    You may be able to view the newsletter below, otherwise use the 'attachments' link to download it

RMT Calls For Decisive Action On Crossrail Two And Bakerloo Line Extension

TRANSPORT UNION RMT today issued a call for decisive political action on Crossrail Two (the project to link North East with South West London) and the extension of the Bakerloo Line beyond Elephant and Castle and into South East London.

The RMT call is timed to coincide with the business lobby setting out their demands for the projects with the union urging that the new routes are designed for the benefits of all Londoners not just the banking and commercial sector.