London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

London Underground Reps' Meeting

London Underground has agreed to release all level one reps from work on Monday to attend this important meeting. You will hear reports from negotiators and discuss what you think of the company's latest position on the three issues in our dispute: jobs, pay and justice.

Venue: Friends House, Euston Road (opposite Euston station)

Update: Dispute Talks

RMT representatives again attended talks aimed at resolving our 'jobs, pay and justice' dispute at ACAS on Wednesday 24 June.

Most of the day's discussion centred around management's difficulty with accepting that the settlement of the 2001 dispute (the so-called 'Jobs for Life' deal) means what it actually says! The agreement clearly states that:

  • "no compulsory redundancies will take place"; and that
  • "This agreement applies to all staff employed by LUL, the Infracos and their subsidiaries. "

London Underground Replies on Snow Day Pay

Here is London Underground's reply to the letter that your Regional Organiser sent to him objecting to the company deducting staff's pay or leave on the day of heavy snow ...

Impact of Adverse Weather on 2 February 2009

I am writing in response to continuing demands for further discussion of LU's approach at a recent Stations Functional Council meeting.

Protest: Where's Our Snow Day Pay?

What they say ... Boris: I won't dock pay of snowed-in Tube staff after all... Mayor Boris Johnson today backtracked on a decision not to pay Tube staff who failed to turn up for work because of the snow. ... A spokesman for Mr Johnson said ... "The Mayor has absolutely no intention of penalising anyone who failed to get to work due to last week's exceptional weather." Evening Standard, 9 February

What they do ... Dock London Underground workers' pay or leave.

Join our protest outside Mayor's Question Time at City Hall (nearest station: London Bridge).

General Secretary's Report - Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2009, Redundancies, Breaches of Agreements, London Underground Ltd

This is the excerpt from the General Secretary's report to the 2009 AGM concerning the obs, pay and justice dispute on London Underground ...

At the time of writing these notes RMT again found itself having to withdraw from a ballot for industrial action on legal grounds. The tragedy here is that we had a massive vote in favour of both strike action (3,165 for and only 619 against) and action short of a strike (3,495 to 266) delivered by our members.

Meeting: Jobs, Pay and Justice!

Venue: Friends House, Euston Road

  • hear the industrial action ballot result
  • plan for effective industrial action
  • hear reports from your union’s negotiators
  • ask questions
  • join the discussion
    Show your support for RMT’s fight for jobs, pay and justice!


  • Oliver New, RMT National Executive
  • Janine Booth, RMT Regional Council Secretary
  • Steve Hedley, RMT Regional Organiser
  • Andy Littlechild, Chair, RMT LU Engineering branch
  • Plus a guest speaker opposing Post Office privatisation
    Chair: Vaughan Thomas, RMT Regional Council President

    Click '1 attachment'/file name to download a leaflet advertising the meeting. Please distribute widely.

  • Letter to Probationers and Apprentices: Your Right to Strike

    This letter is from Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary. Click '1 attachment' / file name to download it. Read the text below.

    To All Probationers and Apprentices Employed by LUL - Our Ref : LUL/14/2 - 19th May 2009

    Dear Colleague,

    Current Dispute with London Underground.

    As you know we are currently balloting all LUL members for strike action and action short of a strike over the company’s refusal to make a reasonable offer on pay, breaches of long standing agreements and their proposals to make up to 3000 staff redundant.

    LUL: Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2009, Redundancies and Breach of Agreements

    From RMT General Secretary, Bob Crow

    Dear Colleague,

    LUL: Rates of Pay & Conditions of Service 2009, Redundancies and Breach of Agreements

    Further to my earlier letters, I am writing to remind you that the re-ballot in this dispute begins today and you should receive your ballot paper in the next day or so.

    You returned a magnificent YES vote for action in the first ballot, but LUL turned to their lawyers and used technicalities that would have made no difference to the outcome to stop your union using that mandate for action.