London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Jubilee South branch News

Jubilee South branch News is the newsletters for workers on stations between Westminster and Stratford on the Jubilee Line, drivers an North Greenwich and Stratford, controllers at Stratford Market depot, and cleaners and caterers at all these location.

In this edition:

  • PAY TALKS REACH STALEMATE, But this union isn’t stale, so prepare for action!

  • RMT’s plan of action

  • Sickness reviews are not compulsory to attend

  • Massive vote for strike action in train prep ballot

RMT sets out Transformation process demands

London Underground are attempting to ram through a new swathe of job cuts and are walking all over our agreements to do it! This is happening in the following areas: Track Access Control, Power Control, Service Control, LUCC, Skills Development, Waste, Pumps, Stations Buildings & Civils and Signals Incidents.

The RMT's London Transport Regional Organiser John Leach has written a letter to the Head of London Underground Employee Relations.



RMT rejects Tube pay offer and moves to ballot for action

MAIN TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that it has rejected a pay offer from London Underground bosses and is beginning preparations for a ballot of all tube members for both strike action and action short of a strike as it launches a London-wide campaign for pay justice that improves living standards and working lives across the combine.

Unless Tube pay offer is significantly improved it is likely a dispute situation will exist


That we note the report from the Lead Officer on yesterday’s pay talks where the company advised us that we must withdraw all items of our pay claim in return for a
one year bare RPI offer of 2.5% (RPI February 2019).

This is a derisory offer and manoeuvre by London Underground and is unacceptable to this union. Accordingly; we instruct the General Secretary to:  

Newsletter: April pay claim update for stations

- Please download and distribute the attached newsletter at your station, and share this article online.

After five days of “negotiation”, London Underground has rejected all the demands in RMT’s pay claim. LU has made an “offer”, which is for a one-year deal on pay only, proposing an RPI percentage increase (currently 2.5%), and which is contingent on the union dropping all demands in our claim, including the demand for a flat-rate pay increase and a 32-hour working week.

London Underground Pay Update - Offer Made

Your negotiating team met today (3rd April) with London Underground who made us a derisory pay offer of a one-year, RPI only deal, which works out as 2.5% based on the February 2019 figure. This offer was conditional on us removing all other aspects of our pay claim, for example a shorter working week, better work/life balance and improved travel facilities. 

Ballot matrix prepared after LU disciplines victim of passenger abuse


Further to my previous Circular (IR/119/19, 27th March 2019), I advised the Company that if any disciplinary action was taken against Sister Kyei-Donkoh following an incident where Sophie was abused by a well-known and repeatedly offensive passenger, then a dispute situation would exist between us.