RMT Demands Assurances on Existing Agreements to Allow Further Talks on Tube Olympics Reward

Tube union RMT today called on London Underground to give firm assurances that existing framework agreements will be adhered to in order to allow for further discussions on Olympics recognition and reward.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

“We have written to London Underground asking for cast iron guarantees that existing workplace framework agreements for staff will be complied with. Once we have those assurances there is no reason why talks cannot recommence but the ball is now firmly in LUL’s court and we await their response.

“RMT has made it clear throughout that all we are seeking is a fair recognition of the additional pressure that our already over-stretched staff will have to handle to deliver the transport challenge of the Olympics and that any agreement should apply across the combine to all grades.

“We have seen in the past week major failures on the Jubilee Line that required skilled and experienced staff on hand to de-train and evacuate. Those kind of pressures on the service will escalate during the extended Olympics and Paralympics period and it will be RMT members who will be in the front line as millions of extra journeys are thrown at the underground. “

> RMT National News

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