Solidarity Greetings from RMT East London Rail branch

East London Rail Branch RMT sends solidarity greetings and fraternal greetings to all our comrades, brothers and sisters striking to defend safety and jobs on London Underground.

Once again those who stand to lose the most, we find, lead us in our struggles.

We note that those paid telephone-number salaries are set on ripping the heart out of London’s transport network.

We also note that those responsible for placing the Underground in continual danger of another King’s Cross disaster, through their lust for profits, came running, and continue to come running to you yourselves when potential tragedies occur.

And they will come running the same in future.

Supported by an old-fashioned Tory Mayor, media junta collaborators, and a millionaire right-wing cabal ruling-class running-dog lackey Government they continue to bleat on about ‘tightening belts’ whilst crushing agreements and procedures. Their lust for the destruction of our Union is matched only by their lust for profits.

Let us be clear: this is not about saving money for country this is about MAKING money for them and their trough-snouting Eton-wall licking gang of brutal dirty rich and their strong-armed squads.

We have been asked to state that, in common with your comrades in this Branch, every other Branch this Union has within this industry, and the rest of our class, the so-called rulers and elite, the self-same hypocrites and liars, working together in cahoots, are riding rough-shod over your jobs, careers, livelihoods, and our industry.

Stand firm, comrades; your struggle is supported by this branch and, we hope, by all who defend the right of this city to its infrastructure and the right of the people to a safe travelling environment.


All our steps must be forward. None backward.

ED SHINE (Secretary)
JOHN CLARKE (Chairman)