TfL Financial Sustainability Plan massive missed opportunity and capitulation to Tory austerity

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;

“This Financial Sustainability Plan is a massive missed opportunity and a capitulation to Tory austerity. TfL could have used this moment to aggressively make the case for setting its funding on a completely new basis, recognising the failure of fare box model and making the case for public funding that recognises the public interest in London’s mass transit system.

“Instead, we have a document that spends pages setting out exactly why cuts to services and jobs are a bad idea that won’t save money while at the same time saying it will consider cuts to off peak services. Most scandalously, the plan calls for a Commission to examine options for attacking our members’ pension scheme, chasing a Tory obsession.

“London Mayor Sadiq Khan said he didn’t come into politics to administer another round of austerity, but he’s going to need to fight harder than this against a government that’s clearly bent on running down the capital’s transport system.

“RMT will not stand for any attack on our members jobs, pay or pensions, wherever it comes from. We’ll use every weapon at our disposal to fight any cuts.”

> RMT National News

Wednesday, 19th June
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Tuesday, 11th June
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