Hammersmith and City Line branch

Includes London Underground staff of all grades on the Hammersmith and City Line

Review of the UK Domestic Drivers' Hours Rules

busThe Department of Transport launched a consultation on the review of Domestic Drivers' Hours Rules. The rules, first introduced in the 1930s and largely unchanged since the 1960s, cover issues including maximum driving time, breaks, rest time, daily and weekly rest, record keeping and enforcement.

The consultation document can be found on the DfT website at


Important Bus Issues To Be Discussed At Next Busworkers Meeting

A busworkers meeting, organised by the RMT London Busworkers Committee, will take place on monday 24th august 2009, 5pm - 7pm at the Bulstrode pub, Lampton Road, Hounslow, next to Hounslow Central station. Among the issues to be discussed will be:

  • the forced transfer of staff between companies
  • the implications of the introduction of telemetric technology on buses
  • excessive surveillance of staff
  • harrassment of our members
  • wages and conditions

and other issues of concern to our members.

Report: RMT London Busworkers' Meeting 20 April 2009

busLondon busworkers met at the Bulstrode public house in Hounslow on Monday 20th April 09. The meeting was a very lively affair with many important topics being discussed. There was a debate on the proposed RMT London Busworkers' Charter. The charter contains the aspirations and objectives of London's RMT busworkers and include the demand for the re-nationalisation of the London Bus network, recognition of RMT on the London bus network, pay parity with Tube drivers (currently £40,073), terms and conditions parity with underground workers and joining the TfL pension. Other points include the provision of toilet facilities at every terminus and turning point, free staff gyms at garages, decent canteen provision at all garages, and for staff passes to be valid on all National Rail services.

who will be left??

Well what can i say!!

We have let LUL sack one member who damaged his leg at work and before that we let them dip a driver to stations and took little or no action when at the branch meeting recently i was very disturbed at the majority attitude there no one seems to want to take any action stating we will not win a ballot!! let alone even taking a ballot!

LUL want to lose 180 driver positions "they are over subscibed" they say

will there be any one left to stand up against LUL or should we just let them walk all overs us??

they are offering no real pay rise!

Bus Reps Course, 26-27th Feb 2009

A two day Bus Reps course took place in central London on thursday 26th and friday 27th february 2009. It was well attended by very enthusiastic and motivated volunteers. The course will help them to assist fellow members at their workplaces. If you are an RMT London Busworker and are interested in going on a course, please contact your branch secretary. If you are not sure about who to contact, you can find the information on the RMT website or call the RMT freephone helpline 0800 376 3706.