Neasden branch

Welcome to the Neasden Branch page of RMTLondonCalling

Please ensure that you sign into this website, as information such as branch meetings and newsletters are held in the members only area

Metropolitan Line and Jubilee Line North Branch (Commonly known as Neasden Branch) is responsible for members at 34 Stations, 4 Train Crew Depots, 2 Service Control Rooms, 5 Signal Cabins and 2 Revenue Control Depots.

Click here for contact details for industrial and safety reps and branch officials.

Click here for the link to the PDF of the branch dates for 2017.

Local Reps Elections

All LTRC Branches,
Please be advised that nominations for all positions and local reps will take place at our branch meeting 7th October in The Torch, Wembley Pk 16:00hrs prompt.
If you have an address or intend to come, please contact Chair Adam Evans or Nigel Eivers asap, as I will be on A/L

Yours in solidarity
Les Bruty
Neasden Branch Secretary

London Transport Regional Council

Th next meeting of the London Transport Regional Council will be on Thursday 24 September 1630-1830

Please try and attend and make sure your own branch is represented at this important organising meeting.

There will be reports from the Counil of Executive member John Reid and from the Regional Organiser John Leach.

Picket Locations for Strike Action This Thursday

Members are advised that strike action will commence as planned this Wednesday 5th August.

Train Operators are advised not to book on for any duties between 21.00 on Wednesday 5th August and 20.59 on Thursday 6th August
All other grades are advised not to book on for any shifts between 18.30 on Wednesday 5th August and 18.29 Thursday 6th August.

Would all Neasden Reps/Activists who will be picketing please contact Branch Chairman Adam Evans on 07890 056868 to let him know your proposed picket locations.

M Door Dispute: Management Will Not Impose New Rule


LUL recently implemented a change to the Rule for dealing with a rear M door alarm activation on the Jubilee line. Previous to this change a Train Operator was asked to contact the Controller and then go back to investigate the activation. The Rule change is that the Train Operator would now contact the Controller, get authority to proceed in Restricted Manual and continue to next station.

RMT Executive Endorses Branch Motion Calling for Four Day Working Week on Tube

EVERY JOB MATTERS – DEFENDING JOBS ON LONDON UNDERGROUND (LUL/14/5) Further to my previous Circular (IR/170/15, 17th July 2015) the General Grades Committee has considered and endorsed a resolution from Neasden Branch concerning our ongoing Every Job Matters dispute which is copied below in full.


M Door Dispute Discussions Continue


We met with management to discuss the Jubilee Line M Door issue, and a host of other issues at a recent Tier 2A meeting.

The upshot is, we are still no nearer a resolution on this issue. We will need another meeting to discuss the issue further, but in the meantime, management have a agreed not to ask any driver to carry on to the next station to check should they receive an M Door activated alarm. Drivers will be allowed to go back and check, even between stations.

Fantastic support for strike!

Solidarity was shown by RMT Reps/Members and our sister unions on picket lines throughout the network this morning, as London Underground was brought to a standstill. Fantastic support was also received from members of the passing public. Please keep up the good work this afternoon!

As the strike continues, a reminder that RMT members are advised not to book on for any duties that start before 18:30 this evening.

Strike Picket Locations

Following today's last-minute derisory and insulting offer from LUL, the RMT have confirmed that this weeks strike is definitely still ON !!!
The strike begins at 18.30hrs on Wednesday 8th July and we need your support. Would all Neasden Branch Reps/Activists/Members who are planning to organise or assist on picket lines please contact Adam Evans (Branch Chairman) on 07890 056868 to let him know where you will be.

Union leaflets/armbands/flags are now available to collect from Unity House.

ACAS Report On Pay & Night Tube and Job Cuts Disputes

Dear RMT members

Most of you will be aware that we have had a number of magnificent ballot results where members in our union in LUL as well as all of the other tube unions have voted overwhelmingly to fight back. We have four current disputes in LUL:

1. Pay and Night tube
2. Every job matters - defending jobs on London Underground
3. M Door safety alarm procedures - Jubilee Line
4. Introduction of Agency trainers - London Underground