Brixton News 30th March 2010

RMT at Brixton depot has produced a new newsletter for drivers. You can read the text below, or click '1 attachment'/file name to download and print it.

Sacking of Drivers

Over the past couple of months there have been several issues including London underground sacking drivers. We at Brixton have had two this year. One of the issues is a said 96% attendance standard. There is no such figure anywhere. If asked to sign any documents stating any attendance percentage targets, do not! Speak to your union rep.

Plan to Cut Block Training to 3 Days

Senior train operators will recall a time when LUL took their training seriously. With sole responsibility for several hundred passengers, often in inaccessible locations, it’s essential that a driver knows how to take remedial action to get a train moving should it become defective. Likewise, drivers need to know and understand the rules and regulations that help make the underground system operate safely.

All Grades to Defeat Stations Job Cuts

Will all grades come together to fight job cuts on stations? It should not be seen as ‘will drivers support the station staff?’ but ‘will we support each other’? That’s the true meaning of solidarity: our own interests are best protected when we stand together. In order to achieve this a 'General Strike' of all grades should be put to the membership across the combine under a single heading of ‘job losses (particularly in operational grades) equals an unsafe tube’.

Stop the Cuts - It's Time to Fight or Die

The cat is out of the bag. LUL have told the unions bluntly that they intend to slash as many as 800 operational jobs across the combine. Recent leaked documents have shown that these cuts are merely the tip of an iceberg which includes sub-surface stations having no more than minimum staff numbers, even during special events, and open section stations having no staff at all. This is a Company Plan with knobs on.

Finsbury Park Branch Monthly News - March 2010

Read the March 2010 edition of Finsbury Park Monthly News by clicking on the attachment below.

In this edition:

1. Stop the cuts - it's time to fight or die. Editorial explains the truth behind LUL's latest jobs massacre and what we have to do to stop them.

2. All grades to defeat Stations job cuts. A plea to members of all grades to come together and fight for our futures.

Training workshop: Refusal to work on the grounds of safety

Venue: ex-Services Club, Harvey Road, Leytonstone

All workers have the legal right to refuse to work in unsafe conditions. By using this right, we can protect ourselves and force employers to provide a safer workplace for us, our workmates and our passengers. With employers under increasing pressure to cut corners in order to save money, this issue is more important than ever.

The workshop will ensure that you understand your legal rights and how to use them.

This training workshop will look at:

  • what the law says
  • unsafe situations that arise in rail and transport

'Time to train'

From 6 April, employees will have a new legal right: to request time off work to undertake study or training.

Known as 'time to train', this right applies to you if you work for an organisation with 250 or more employees, but not if you are an agency worker. You must have worked for your employer for at least 26 weeks before you apply.

From 6 April 2011 the right will apply to all employees working in organisations of all sizes, regardless of how many employees there are.

Management's Conspiracy Against Their Staff and Unions … in their own words

A Presentation document from LUL’s Performance Day earlier this year has been “uncovered” by RMT; detailing London Underground’s Maintenance Directorate Strategic Planning over the next few years.

*** Click '2 attachments' and the file names and you can download both management's document and these comments as a Word document.

Report: London Underground Company Council, 25 March 2010

London Underground held a special meeting of its Comapny Council yesterday to discuss management's job-cutting plans. Steve Hedley, Janine Booth and Roy Carey attended on behalf of RMT. Here is a report of the discussions ...


RMT complained that there had been no meaningful consultation with the unions so far. We could have no faith in the 'consultation' when managers are already talking to staff about the changes as though they are definitely going to happen. TSSA said that they did not accept the Terms of Reference set out by management. ASLEF agreed.