Resolution: London Underground industrial action ballot

This resolution, submitted by the Regional Council Executive, was carried unanimously by the April meeting of the Regional Council ...

This Regional Council is very frustrated by the lack of progress in carrying out the union's decision to ballot our members for industrial action to stop London Underground's plan to slash 800 jobs.

We understand the problems caused by the anti-union laws. However, we believe that the union can and must, as a matter of urgency, prepare and carry out this ballot.

We remind our national officers that 800 jobs are at stake.

LOROL 378 Unit Train Headlights

There have been a number of concerns raised recently regarding the new 378 LOROL train stock LED headlight.
These high density beams may shine directly into driver’s eyes due to the differing heights of our trains compared to the LOROL units.
Any drivers experiencing any problems please contact your local H&S reps with details of time, date, train numbers and place of incident.
Any problems should also be reported to the Wembley signaller via connect radio, if they answer.

'Notts Stop The BNP' Conference Report

Notts Stop The BNP held a conference in Nottingham to discuss how to counter the threat from the British National Party (BNP) and the English Defence League (EDL). The conference was organised with the support of Workers Liberty. There were Delegates from Stoke, Lincoln, Liverpool, Sheffield, Amber Valley, Birmingham, London and Nottingham - many of whom were members of local anti-fascist organisations, or unions. The RMT had a good turnout.

Reinstate Anthony Burke!

Bus Inspector Anthony Burke was medically terminated by Transport for London for taking time off following pit bull dog, gun and racial assaults on him at work.

A protest took place on Friday 16th April 2010 outside 200, Buckingham Palace Road, Victoria (pictured).

London Underground says: Our Job Cuts Are Not Negotiable

London Underground management stated today that they are not prepared to negotiate with the trade unions about its plan to cut 800 jobs, mainly on stations. The unions have insisted that we have the right to negotiate on this issue, to argue against the job cuts, and have referred the issue to ACAS.

LU management say that they are only prepared to 'consult' the unions about the cuts, and to 'negotiate' only about their impact eg. new rosters. The difference is important: