LUL Revenue Control

News and articles for LUL Revenue Control Inspectors

Revenue & Station Grades Meeting


• Next meeting 27 September 2102 1430 at the Exmouth Arms, Star St, NW1

• Come along and hear your level 2/Tier 2 reps report back.

• Discuss where we go after the Olympics

• Defend Ticket office jobs

• How the nomination process could affect you

• It’s your union, your job come along and have your say



Stations And Revenue Committee Meeting And Organising Day

Attached is a leaflet we have put together to help recruit to RMT on stations. We hope you find it useful. For full details of the organising day email us.

Dear RMT stations and revenue reps,

Stations and revenue organising day, Thursday 23rd August

Join us for the Stations and Revenue Grades Committee meeting, 1430, Thursday 23rd August, at the Exmouth Arms, near Euston.


The next meeting of the Revenue and Station grades takes place on Thursday 23 August at the Exmouth Arms, Star St , nearest stations Euston amd Euston Sq
Come along and have your say.Its your union, make sure your views are heard.

Items on agenda;

• Level 2 reps reports
• Reports from local industrial and H&S reps
• Update on action short of strike
• Recruitment and retention

Why Station and Revenue Staff Should Support Victimised RMT Reps

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download the latest issue of 'RMT Platform', which leads with this article:

Station and revenue staff should support RMT's campaign to win the reinstatement of sacked driver reps Eamonn Lynch and Arwyn Thomas.

London Underground sacked Eamonn for following instructions from line control when he had a defective trip cock! Other drivers in similar situations, even those more at fault, have not been sacked. LU sacked Arwyn following allegations from a strike-breaker during last year's strikes against stations job cuts.

Ten Reasons Why Revenue Staff Should Vote YES-YES to Save Jobs

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download this as a 2-page leaflet.

1. Because the merging of the three revenue units into one was a prototype for these cuts. Look at the effects this has had: extremely low morale; higher stress levels; more disjointed, unrealistic workloads for management and admin. Imagine how bad it would be if this was spread to the rest of LUL.

2. Because ticket offices will be shut, passengers won't be able to sort out Oyster problems or buy tickets, so there will be an increase in assaults on staff.

Strategy to Defend Stations & Revenue Jobs

This resolution, submitted by Stratford no.1 branch and seconded by TfL no.1 branch, was passed unanimously by the October 2009 meeting RMT's London Transport Regional Council.

This branch / Regional Council endorses and will carry out the following strategy for defending stations and revenue jobs:

1. London Underground is currently pursuing several policies which lead us to believe that the company intends to cut stations and revenue jobs within the next few years, including:

Revenue Control Training

This resolution, submitted by Central Line West and Hammersmith & City branches, was passed unanimously at the May 2009 meeting of the Regional Council.

This Council condemns the poor treatment of members of staff who after 2 years are still waiting for Revenue Control Training.

The London Underground Revenue Dept has at Least 12 Vacancies which could be filled. LUL's excuse is that it would cost more money. However these are existing vacancies that should be covered by the existing budget.

What Next For Revenue Control?

After senior managers’ cull of Duty Revenue Control Managers and Admin, what next for Revenue Control Inspectors?

Special meeting: Friday 22 August, 14:00hrs, RMT Head Office.

All members are invited to discuss the new set-up, tactics, future plans and internal RMT plans for RCIs.

More information from Ross Marshall, Health & Safety rep, BCV Revenue: 07789-652518.