Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

RMT & ASLEF Unity Secures Safe Process For Works On Jubilee Line

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and that LUL has agreed to place telephones at 60m intervals through the relevant section of the Jubilee line during the tunnel relining, to enable the discharge of traction current in an emergency. This is similar to the arrangement on the Heathrow loop, and is acceptable to our representatives.

RMT To Ballot If Signal Irregularities Aren't Fixed

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd, and note that pressure applied by this union appears to be making the company take this matter more seriously.

However, we do not accept that mitigations make this situation safe or acceptable, and insist on it being rectified.

Having spoken with our representative, we note that Thales is due to carry out a new ‘software drop’ over the first weekend in March. If this does not resolve the problem to the satisfaction of our representative, we will ballot our members for industrial action.

Go Into Depots Or Sidings With Passengers On Board? Over Your Dead Body!

London Underground wants Bakerloo line drivers to drive out-of-service trains into depots and sidings without checking first that all passengers have got off the train.

This has resulted in over 3,000 passengers being carried into depots and sidings, many times more than on all other London Underground lines put together. On other lines, staff physically check the train is empty first.

RMT Believes LULs Upgrade Programme Used As A Pretext To Attack Jobs

Further to our decision Gww 8/1/13, we note the report from our representatives' meeting held on 25 January.

We note that London Underground's Upgrades programme has a significant impact on many of our members, including providing a pretext for LUL management to attack jobs and conditions. It is therefore essential that we mobilise all our relevant representatives to work together in unity to secure the best possible outcome for our members and for the future of London Underground.

RMT In Dispute With LUL Over Time Allowed For Drivers To Prepare Trains

Further to our decision Gww 18/12/12, we note the report from our representatives' meeting held on 25 January 2013.

We agree that since the method of detrainment on the Metropolitan line has altered, there should therefore be a retiming exercise, and instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report on our representatives' progress in ensuring that this takes place.

Jubilee Line Drivers To Be Balloted For Industrial Action

Further to our previous decision on this issue, we note that discussions with management have taken place and that although there has been some movement, there is still no satisfactory outcome. We remain in dispute and instruct the General Secretary to ballot our members in line with our previous decision. We welcome the co-operation established with ASLEF on this issue and aim to ballot to the same timetable. Reports and developments are to be placed in front of us.

Bakerloo drivers are taking action for safety

From Tuesday 15th of January 2013 until further notice, RMT and ASLEF train drivers are taking action for safety.
Drivers in both Aslef and RMT unions are taking action, not over pay or hours, but because serious safety concerns have been ignored by London Underground management.
Since the introduction of a new procedure last year to clear trains of passengers before going out of service there have been thousands of incidents in which passengers have been ‘over-carried’ into sidings.

Stations Safety Council Advice On Snow Working

The stations safety council have issued this guidance for members working in snow conditions following their December meeting. Any member reading this who wants further advice, please speak with a local rep or contact the trains safety council.

The original bulletin and a pro forma is attached below.

Winter weather/snow clearance

Driving in Manual When Not In Service

At yesterdays Health & Safety tier 2 meeting it was agreed that on TBTC lines when working a train out of service station skip would not be used and T/Ops would manually start trains at every station.

At the present time when auto is not permitted T/Ops drive in protected manual and we maintained that this should remain the case.

Management suggested that T/Ops could have a choice to either work the train in auto or PM and we have said we will take this away and discuss with the Reps on the lines concerned.