Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

Blog: How Much Snow Is Too Much? When Trains Are Stalled And People Walked Along The Track

On Saturday night the predicted heavy snow brought much of the tube to a halt. Efforts were made to keep the service running and get passengers safely home by staff working that evening. However was the inevitable - trains being stuck in snow between stations - ignored until it was too late?

TUC Workers Memorial Day

From General Secretary Bob Crow

The TUC is dedicating this year’s Workers’ Memorial Day, Saturday 28th April, to a Day of Action to defend Health and Safety. They are producing a series of bulletins that will assist reps and activists to organise for the day with important discussion topics. The first two ‘Defending Regulation’ and ‘The Need for Enforcement’ are available online now. (see below)

Political Report - Driverless Trains

Everything management do now is preparation to take us on, all of us, each grade, after the Olympics. Make no mistake, no stone will be left unturned as LUL aim to transform the job root and branch. As a previous leaked document revealed, they're making no bones about using the economic crisis to launch the attack.

This political report will explain the attacks, grade by grade, over five special issues, each fortnight.

'OEP' Dispute

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser on his discussions with London Underground management prior to the result of our ballot for industrial action.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain a report on the progress of this dispute.

London Transport Regional Council and branches with London Underground members to be advised.

RMT Demands End To ‘Dangerous’ LUL Plan To Halve Train Maintenance In Latest Move To Put Cuts Before Safety

LONDON UNDERGROUND intends to halve the frequency of maintenance on trains on the Metropolitan Line despite a manufacturer’s report which reveals that the safety implications of doing so have not been considered, the Tube’s biggest union reveals today.