Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

RMT Warns That Central London Will Be “jammed Solid” With Unlicensed And Dangerous Rickshaws As We Head Towards Olympics

TAXI UNION RMT warned today that central London will be “jammed solid” with unlicensed and uninsured rickshaws as we head towards the London Olympics with the authorities refusing to lift a finger to clampdown on the unregulated trade.

RMT London Taxi Branch has a clear position of opposition to rickshaws in London and last month RMT parliamentary group convenor John McDonnell successfully objected to the TFL London Local Authorities Bill at Second Reading - specifically on the grounds that it would lead to the continued proliferation of unlicensed, unsafe rickshaws clogging up central London.

Victoria Line dispute: Progress so far not acceptable

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the letter from London Underground dated 27 May 2011 on this matter. Its content is not acceptable to our representatives, and by its own admission, it does not address all of our concerns. We continue to believe that there are serious safety concerns on the Victoria Line, and reaffirm our industrial action short of strikes.

We note that a further meeting with the company is to take place on this issue on 23 June. A report on this meeting is to be placed in front of us as soon as possible after this meeting.

RMTV Video: RMT Joins Campaigners On Workers Memorial Day To Protest ConDem Cuts

RMT joined health and safety campaigners in protest outside the Department of Work and Pensions on Workers Memorial Day: April 28, 2011. They told Tory minister Chris Grayling that his savage cuts to the Health and Safety Executive will lead to death and injury among British workers.

Interviews are by Geoff Martin and the Video is filmed and edited by Chris Kasrils. You can watch this and many more RMTV films at RMTv.

Victoria Line Dispute Update

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser and our representative, and are alarmed that London Underground intends to conduct trials from Seven Sisters to Walthamstow Central from May 30 despite our ongoing dispute over safety issues.

Jubilee Line Route Secure Implementation

From Regional Organiser Steve Hedley - RS procedure implementation.

Dear members, as you are fully aware there has been a proposed change to the old but very safe “scotch and clip” procedure for passing over points in slow speed were route secure indication cannot be confirmed to the train operator. The following may answer some of your questions.

Jubilee Line Route Locking Procedure

RMT have produced an informative circular for Jubilee drivers regarding a new procedure for the line. The procedure is for passing over points with no route secure illuminated. The circular explains that Tier 2 control room reps have had no release to discuss and comment on the procedure, which means that they cannot endorse or agree to this process at present.

Click 'Read more' or download the attachment to read about the procedure and the reps guidance that it should not at present be carried out.

Victoria Line Drivers Take Action Over Safety

RMT GGC decision:

Following the ballot result for action short of strikes in pursuit of this dispute, and following consultation with our reps and branch, we instruct our members involved in this dispute, from 00:01 on Thursday 5 May:-

  1. NOT to recognise the imposed sensitive edge door procedure and to work the previous safer instruction. i.e. go back to the carriage concerned and physically check the cause of activation.

Regional Organiser's April Report

RMT rejects London Underground pay offer

This year we put in a joint pay claim with Unite and Tssa (aslef were asked to join us but declined.) RMT, TSSA and Unite are meeting on Thursday 28th April to discuss our next joint positions (once again
Aslef were invited but declined.) RMT formally rejected London Underground's pay offer which was a five year deal. A 4 percent pay deal this year when inflation is 5.5 percent and inflation plus 0.25 percent for the next four years. We will be seeking more talks on pay and I will keep you informed of all progress made.

RMT Calls For Direct Talks After 24 Hours Of Tube Hell And Demands End To Job And Maintenance Cuts

Tube union RMT today called for direct talks between the Mayor, unions and passenger groups, and demanded an immediate halt to tube jobs and maintenance cuts, after what the union described as “24 hours of tube hell.”

On Tuesday night the Jubilee Line was plunged into chaos through a combination of a power shutdown and faulty rolling stock and operating systems leaving over 1700 passengers to be detrained and walked through sweltering tube tunnels with the assistance of station staff. By Wednesday morning, the Jubilee Line was still in total disarray.