Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

Health & Safety Reps: the 'Brown Book'

Click '1 attachment' / file name to download the 'Brown Book', which sets out the rights of health and safety representatives.

On a personal note, the reason that I have posted this today is that the 1977 regulations, which gave these rights to safety reps, were brought in by Labour Secretary of State for Employment Albert Booth, my uncle, who sadly died this morning.

Tripcock Testing to be Cut?!

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the resolution from our LU Fleet branch, and share the shock and alarm expressed by the branch that London Underground could even consider reducing the frequency of tripcock testing. The tripcock is an essential safety mechanism which stops a train in the event of it passing a signal at danger, therefore preventing crashes and protecting life.

Progress on Central Line Asbestos

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from our LU Engineering branch, reporting that major progress has been made in negotiating a safer system of work for track workers in this area, although there are outstanding concerns regarding non-track project staff and the potential of complacency creeping in.

Management preparations are already underway for driverless trains

“When the Jubilee works are complete there will be three lines in London – the Jubilee, Victoria and Central – which will operate on an automated system,
It is a fact – though not a widely known fact – that as we speak most of the Jubilee Line currently operates under automatic train operation, from Stratford to Neasden.
In other words the driving of the train is done by computer rather than manually

RMT Tells London Underground: Withdraw Your Unsafe Procedure for Drivers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from London Underground, asking this union to reconsider our industrial action on this issue [the Operational Effectiveness Programme]. We reaffirm that as London Underground has not withdrawn its plan to impose unsafe working practices for train drivers, our industrial action ballot continues, alongside the publicity campaign outlined in our previous decision.

We instruct the General Secretary to reply to LU, inviting the company to reconsider its imposition of unsafe working practices.

Rmt Demands End Of Rail Job Cuts Threat As Report Warns Of “strong Possibility” Of Norway Style Gun Attack On Transport System

RAIL UNION RMT today called on the Government to “wholly reject” the McNulty Rail Review proposals to axe station-based staff and guards on trains after the union was presented with a stark intelligence report from Southeastern Railways setting out a strategy for dealing with a Mumbai or Norway style “Active Shooter” attack on the railways with a warning that such an attack is a “strong possibility.”

TUC Women And Health & Safety Course

This course is for all reps who would like an opportunity to look at women’s health and safety issues in the workplace.

It will run for 3 consecutive Tuesdays; 1st, 8th and 15th November 2011, 9.30a.m - 4.30p.m at WEA Trade Union Learning Centre, 96 – 100 Clifton Street, London EC2A 4TP. (Map.)

The centre is a short walk from Old Street, Moorgate and Liverpool Street tube stations, Shoreditch stations and on lots of bus routes.

RMT Fights Back Against Imposition of Unsafe Procedures for Tube Drivers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser. We also note the expressed view of our trains health and safety representatives that three particular aspects of London Underground’s ‘Operational Effectiveness Programme’ and are unacceptable and potentially dangerous. These are the proposed new procedures for: reversing a train; platform re-categorisation; and carrying passengers over a shunt signal. London Underground is now imposing Operational Standards Notice (OSN) 101 against the objections of our representatives.

London Taxi News

The latest edition of London Taxi News, an anti-pedicab special, is now availale to download.

In this edition:

  • Bob says NO - RMT calls for unity against London’s pedicab menace
  • STOP PRESS - Cynical attempt to sneak in pedicab licensing
  • What happens if Clause 17 becomes law?
  • McDonnell scores important victory over pedicabs
  • Shame on Taxi
  • Unity, not sniping, is needed
  • Westminster City Council supports pedicab ranks

You can download the full newsletter using the link below, or click 'read more' to view the pdf if you have a modern browser.

RMT Demands End To ‘Reckless’ Override Of Tube Door Safety System

Victoria line incident could have been fatal, says union

TUBE UNION RMT has demanded an end to the “reckless” policy of expecting drivers to override a door failsafe system after a potentially fatal incident in which a passenger jumped from a moving train and another was caught in its open doors.

The incident, at Oxford Circus station, happened after the ‘sensitive edge’ door-safety system – which immobilises a train if anything is caught in its doors – was over-ridden on a Victoria Line train during the evening peak on July 11.