Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

TUBELINES STRIKE - Arnos Grove drivers refuse to work on grounds of safety

More than 50 drivers at Arnos Grove on the Piccadilly line refused to drive trains during the recent strike by Tubelines staff, despite a ferocious offensive by management to bully drivers onto trains. Local reps challenged management's claims that qualified Emergency Response Unit (ERU) staff were working normally and pointed out that LUL was refusing to provide our union with details of those alleged to be working and of their competencies and qualifications.

Read the full story by clicking on the attachment below.

Refusal to work because of serious and imminent danger (Emergency Response Unit)

From Steve Hedley, RMT Regional Organiser

Dear colleagues,

I wrote to Gerry Duffy, Director of Employee Relations yesterday because of serious safety concerns that have led many drivers to refuse to work on safety grounds. Amongst the drivers concerns are the absence of Emergency Response Unit staff who cover the whole network and signalling technicians who cover the Northern, Jubilee and Piccadilly lines.

Refusal To Work on Safety Grounds During Tube Lines Strike

Tube Lines are responsible for the Emergency Response Unit that covers the entire network and is fundamental to the safe running of London Underground. To ensure your own safety and that of others during the period of industrial action you are advised to approach your management prior to carrying out your duties for assurances that a safe system of work is in place.

RMT slams 'lethal and unworkable' Tory plan to axe all tube drivers and operators in a dash for cuts

TUBE UNION RMT tonight condemned “lethal and unworkable” plans leaked to the BBC from within the GLA Tory Group to axe all train drivers and operators on London Underground and to move the entire tube system to a driverless operation.

The leaked report, confirmed as being under discussion by the GLA Tories and which London Tory Mayor Boris Johnson is aware of, recommends sacking all of the 3,525 train drivers and operators estimating that it could result in savings of £141 million per annum.

London Assembly Tories' Plan For The Tube Without Train Drivers

The Conservative group on the London Assembly have sent a memo to Mayor Boris Johnson detailing how they believe an underground system without drivers would provide a world class mass transit system.

The conservative group believe the underground would be better with an increased number of faster trains, more customers but less staff (sound familiar?). They claim that the acquisition of Tube Lines by London Underground is the perfect time to ditch drivers.

Staffing Cuts “Dangerous” To Stations Serving Arsenal Football Ground

Tube union RMT today exposed the safety dangers of cutting station staff serving one of London's largest regular crowd venues – Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium.

RMT have revealed that London Underground plan to almost halve staffing numbers at stations that come under enormous pressure when matches and events are being held at the Emirates. The stations affected are Arsenal, Finsbury Park, Caledonian Road and Holloway Road - all on the Piccadilly line.

We Don't Have Break Aways On The Bakerloo Line!

Breaking news from Queens Park.Well we do now!

It would seem that no sooner do them Tory scum get into power then all hell breaks loose on the London Underground.
Fresh from a derailment on the Picc yesterday, the unbelievable scenario of a train break away on the Bakerloo has occurred.
I am not saying the cause is solely to do with neoliberal coalitions but come on, look at the facts.
2 days in the hot seat and 2 serious incidents follow rapidly.

Regulation of Health, Safety and Welfare

From Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary ...

In the final days before the General Election I would remind you of the stance taken by the Conservative Party with regard to protecting workers health, safety and welfare. The Tories have repeatedly diminished workers rights when in power and were responsible for the harshest erosion of protection via their sustained attacks on trade union legislation during the 80s and 90s.

Special Safety Notice from the Stations and Revenue Safety Council

Last Thursday, 29th April, RMT reps from the Stations and Revenue Safety Council were asked to attend a special meeting to discuss safety issues from the OSP (Job cuts programme).

We attended the meeting and at the start made it clear that as this matter was still at company council we would not be prepared to discuss anything or sit through any presentation. We made it very clear that until LUL had gone through the proper machinary and way of doing things, that is how our position would remain. We then left the meeting