Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

Man Sentenced for Bus Driver Assault

A man who was abusive and attacked a bus driver outside Northolt Tube Station has received a 12-week suspended sentence and has been tagged for three months. Scott Rogers, 37, boarded an N7 night bus in Ealing on april 11th where he was abusive and had problems paying the full fare before his friend helped him out. The bus travelled to Northolt tube station where it then terminated and once the passengers alighted, Rogers confronted the driver before attacking him.

RMT calls on government to mark tenth anniversary of Paddington train disaster by reversing Network Rail maintenance cuts

ON THE tenth anniversary of the Paddington rail crash, transport union RMT has called upon the government to mark the date by intervening to stop planned cuts in Network Rail maintenance which have put 2500 jobs, nearly 20% of the workforce, at risk.

Wheel Screech On The Bakerloo Line.

At last.
The CMO (formerly better known as metronet) have finally decided to get their act together and try and sort this problem out.
They are going to adopt a scientific approach to it.
Over the next few weeks expect to see many operatives in bright orange Hi-Vis at the usual locations, Padd, Picc,CX.
They will first gather as much information as possible.

Review of the UK Domestic Drivers' Hours Rules

busThe Department of Transport launched a consultation on the review of Domestic Drivers' Hours Rules. The rules, first introduced in the 1930s and largely unchanged since the 1960s, cover issues including maximum driving time, breaks, rest time, daily and weekly rest, record keeping and enforcement.

The consultation document can be found on the DfT website at

Safety rep has pay deducted for doing union duty

Local trains health and safety rep, Gary Fitzpatrick, was recently deducted a day’s pay in a case which demonstrates the warped priorities of our management at the moment. Safety continues to be ignored in favour of keeping the service running at all costs, and union reps continue to be harassed and bullied for trying to protect their members.

Safety ignored after lift failure

Five Rounders? You're Having a Laugh!

By a majority of 3 to 1 on a high turnout, RMT drivers on the Victoria line have voted for strike action and action short of a strike against local management’s attempt to impose 5-rounder duties on the line. The unions had an agreement with the company that there would be no more than four rounders in any duty because of the hot and noisy conditions on the line and the detrimental effect on morale that these turns


Readers will remember that in the May edition of Monthly News we reported on a serious breach of safety at Blackhorse Road when the station was left open at the insistence of a DSM despite both escalators being out of action and contrary to the Congestion Control Evacuation Plan (CCEP). Alarmingly, the CCEP was broken again recently, this time at Tottenham Hale.

The 2tone high tone Bakerloo Hokey Cokey

Whoever thought this up …..?
When trains arrive on Stonebridge Park reception roads, drivers on the Bakerloo line are being instructed to cut the high tone whistle out.
Then we have to cut it in.
Then out.
Then in
Then shake it all about!
All because depot staff are accidentally operating the high tone whistle in confined spaces.
Not train operators doing it in error have you noticed.

Train incident management - serious safety concerns

Your Trains Safety Council reps write ... The letter below from HM Inspector of Railways to London Underground raises serious concerns about how seriously LU treats the safety of its staff and passengers alike. The Rule Book has been thrown out the window and safety systems after a SPAD have been ignored. Please bring this letter to the attention of all our members.

Trip Cock Test Farce On The Bakerloo Line

Bakerloo line drivers were subject to what can only be described as keystone cops style of management during the first day of this weekend’s shutdown.
Seemingly making it up on the hoof, management instructed drivers to keep trains in service even when failing the trip cock tester.
Apparently the requirement for a second person in the cab was sufficient to run a safe railway.
This goes against all the basic principles we are taught when joining LUL!