Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts


Well 2 of us actually........but it’s the principle innit?
Today’s ad hoc at Bakerloo E&C depot descended into a sketch not seen since Monty Pythons’ heyday.
We were told today’s meeting to discuss the upcoming Xmas shutdown was on an “information” basis only.
Aren’t all meetings?
But it would not be formal, so in the event of a disagreement, failure to agree etc there would be nowhere to progress it to.
Imagine it.
That`ll be the end of Tier 1`s.
No Tier 2 Safety council.
No level 1`s
No Trains functional Council.

Operational Effectiveness Programme aka Attacks on Conditions, Safety and Jobs!

From Jim McDaid, RMT Trains Health & Safety Council rep

We had an 'informal chat' with bods from the Operational Standards Unit (LU's Rule Book people) last Friday to hear their proposals for a new programme of rule changes that they want to implement across the combine. It was informal as we have so far refused to enter into formal consultation until the Safety Council have had a chance to meet with our Functional Council and Head Office officials, which we hope will be happening soon.

There are several rule book changes proposed so I'll give you the main items:

Door To Door Service

After some excellent work by Bakerloo RMT reps we have now got a concession from management regarding the taxi service required during the Xmas/New Year shut down on the Bakerloo Line between QPK & SPK.
A DMT will be tasked with driving T/Ops to and from SPK in a hired people carrier as and when required.
An absolute minimum requiremnt I know, but it took some persuading by your RMT reps before management were prepared to concede.
A small victory.......but a victory nonetheless.
Trust the RMT.

Serious Safety Risk Warning Over Plans to Cut Tube Line Inspections

Photo by James Cridlan

TUBE UNION RMT today warned of serious risks to public safety as it emerged that track safety patrols are to be cut.

RMT are pointing to the move to halve safety inspections as clear evidence that claims by Mayor Boris Johnson that the £5 billion black hole facing TfL will not result in front line cuts are nonsense.

Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary, said: “We have warned all along that the multi-billion pound black hole facing TfL, and the financial chaos at Tube Lines, would result in real service cuts and would impact on safety and reliability.

Safety Information for Underground Drivers: Wrong Direction Moves

Read the text below; click on '1 attachment' / file name to download a printable notice.

As part of Connect radio ‘Phase 2’ implementation a number of changes were made to safety critical procedures. The most notable of these was authority to pass a semi-automatic signals using secure radio communications. There were many publications, notices and briefings pertaining to the new procedure.

In a way, there was a poor relation, a new procedure that was somewhat overshadowed: wrong direction moves!

Oi !! Taxi For The Driver !!

The Bakerloo Line between QPK & SPK is to be shut down over the Xmas and New Year period.
And with the record of recent line shut downs, we are worried.
Very worried.
No thought seems to have been given to the safety of T/Ops and Station staff having to yomp from booking on at QPK DT up to SPK.
On the replacement bus service.
With scores of potentially irate drunken punters who have just been turfed off the combine at Queens Park

The Neasden Flyer - November 2009

Please Find Attached, the Current issue of The Neasden Flyer

Inside this issue...

Willesden Green Group Ballot for Strike Action

Defending Jobs & Agreements Train Operators Detraining instead of CSAs

Straford Market Depot Ballot for Strike Action


Don't bottle it - take a PNR!

RMT reps have raised the issue with Bakerloo management of train drivers urinating in bottles and throwing them on the track. The union has a long standing agreement with LUL that drivers needing a toilet break should call for a personal needs relief (PNR) to use the the proper facilities.

Neasden Flyer- October Edition and 'Special Safety Edition Regarding TBTC Signalling'

Please find attached, the Neasden Flyer for October 2009

Inside this issue

  • Neasden Members celebrate 40 & 25 Years Union Service
  • Nick Smith - Membership Secretary explains his role
  • A list of Members who need to contact Nick, regarding their 25 year badges
  • details on our next branch meeting
  • and how to update your details!

Also attached....

Jubilee line management tried to implement TBTC trial operations on the 3&4th October.