London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Trains Grades Meeting

Train Grades is a monthly meeting for RMT London Underground driver activists. At the meeting Trains Functional Council (grade wide industrial), Tier 2 (grade wide health and safety) and local representatives give updates on current issues and answer questions. Local reps and activists also give reports, ask questions, get updates and become further involved in organising campaigns and activities.

Justice for Station and Revenue Staff

Dear colleague


RMT has launched a campaign to achieve Justice for Station and Revenue Staff at London Underground as the company tries to bulldoze through plans to undermine revenue grades by introducing a new grade on inferior terms and conditions and over its continuous failure to take proper steps to address the issue of workplace violence faced by all LU station grade members.

Staff Our Stations: reps campaigning meeting

A station worker assists a passenger

REMINDER - Staff our Stations - Reps Campaigning Meeting - Thursday 16th January 

Dear colleague,

As part of the Staff Our Stations campaign, the NEC has instructed me to arrange a high profile meeting of station staff reps including Tier 2 and Health and Safety reps and branches that represent station staff.

Violence and assaults against rail workers and members is soaring. Despite this, station staffing is under increasing attack from the private train companies which are attempting to close ticket offices and cut hours and staffing at stations.

Bakerloo News: Fight for free trade unions!

The Tory government elected on 12 December has announced plans to ban all-out strikes in the transport industry. They plan to introduce new laws that would impose a “minimum service
requirement” during transport strikes. Although the detail of how this would work has yet to be drawn up, in other countries where such laws exist, they usually mean that unions and employers agree between them that a certain number of workers will work through a strike to guarantee the minimum service level is met.

Tube bosses plan "offers nothing to station grades suffering from threats and violence at work"


The following resolution was submitted for consideration to your National Executive Committee by both our Neasden Branch and the London Transport Regional Council:

“Neasden Branch notes the resolution passed by the LTRC calling for a combine-wide ballot of station grades over London Underground's failure to properly address the issue of workplace violence.

Pic & Dic branch passes motion in support of terminated driver


I advised you in a previous circular that our Finsbury Park Branch had submitted a resolution on the dismissal of our member calling for a ballot of our Cockfosters and Arnos Grove driver members (Ref: IR/465/19, 15th November 2019) to demand his reinstatement.

I can now advise you that our Piccadilly and District West Branch has submitted a similar resolution in defence of our member and calling on your National Executive Committee to also ballot driver members at Northfields and Acton Town depots.