Industrial action

When negotiations fail, RMT members take action

Jubilee South Branch Motion On Proposed M Door Procedure Change

Jubilee South branch passed the following motion:

This branch is concerned that once again a new procedures has been introduced on the Jubilee Line which decreases safety checks in order to avoid disruption to the train service.

The latest Jubilee Line supplement changes the procedure for responding to an 'M door alarm'. Previously a rear M door alarm would require the train driver to stop the train where it is and check the rear M door is secured before proceeding. LUL want to alter this procedure so that the train can continue to the next station and then be checked.

Noel Roberts Sacking: East Ham Branch Stations To Be Balloted For Strike

As members will be aware (Circular No. IR/022/15, 21st January 2015), RMT is currently conducting a campaign against the unfair dismissal of Brother Noel Roberts from London Underground and a further resolution has recently been received from East Ham Branch in relation to this matter, which is as follows:-

Thales Strike Ballot - Vote Yes

Further to my previous Circular (IR/061/15, 2nd March 2015), the Company has been informed that a dispute situation now exists over the proposed changes to the Services organisation as part of the GTS Optimisation Programme. The proposals include compulsory redundancies and those members left at the Company will be facing worse rosters, shift patterns and terms and conditions. RMT put forward strong counter-proposals during discussions but it is clear that the Company has no intention of changing their plans.

Ballot for strike: Noel Roberts

East Ham Branch have voted for a ballot for strike action in support of Noel Roberts, who was sacked despite being FULLY FIT. The resolution passed was as follows:

"Unfair dismissal Bro Noel Roberts
This Branch notes the unfair dismissal of Brother Noel Roberts. This Branch resolves to continue campaigning for his reinstatement. This Branch requests the GGC to call for a ballot for industrial action of all our members on the East Ham, Tower Hill and Embankment groups, with a view to moving to an all grades ballot in support of Bro Roberts' campaign for reinstatement"

Defend Alex McGuigan - How You Can Help

Alex McGuigan was sacked following a flawed alcohol test which we believe resulted in a false result. We balloted for industrial action to defend Alex which resulted in a yes vote for strike.

There are lots of ways that you can help Alex get his job back, and help the union ensure that alcohol testing is fair and robust for all of us on London Underground.

  1. Share the facts of the case

If we fight we may lose; if we dont fight we cannot win

The rosters that LUL want to force through in readiness for FFFS in 2016 have been leaked. Inadvertently by a kind hearted and concerned GSM? Maybe. The full impact of the madness of this new model is now available for all to see. The RMT have from day 1 said the idea you can cut 1000 staff, shut ticket offices, control rooms, take away customer focus and assistance and offer a better service is not only flawed but frankly dangerous.

Cleaners At Waterloo Mainline Station To Strike As Scrooge Bosses Continue To Attack Workforce

Following three earlier phases of rock solid action over the past two months, cleaners employed by Interserve, looking after the busy and internationally famous Waterloo Station in London, are to strike again in the New Year over a comprehensive breakdown in industrial relations relating to a whole range of fundamental issues including;

  • the unwarranted victimisation and dismissal of RMT members
  • ignorance of basic employment rights and failure to follow agreed procedures
  • underpayment of wages
  • bullying and harassment of staff

Waterloo & City Line Service Control Staff to Strike for Pay Uplift

Re-Grading Of Waterloo & City Line Service Control Staff, London Underground

Dear Colleagues,

Further to my letter of 25th November 2014, as you know members voted overwhelmingly in support of strike action. Whilst discussions with London Underground are still continuing no agreement has been reached on your claim for re-grading to recognise the hard work you undertake.

The General Grades Committee has, therefore, called the following strike action:-

All members are instructed not to book on for any shifts that commence between:-

Monday's Tube Strike On As LU Management Wreck Acas Talks

Strike action on the Northern Line over the victimisation and sacking of a driver will go ahead from early Monday as planned after ACAS talks broke down last night due to a complete failure of the management side to engage in any serious discussions which could have led to a negotiated settlement.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

"The ACAS talks, which RMT had been calling for with the objective of reaching a fair and just settlement in this case, have broken down due to a total refusal of the management side to engage in any kind ‎of meaningful discussions.