Industrial action

When negotiations fail, RMT members take action

Strike Picket Locations

Following today's last-minute derisory and insulting offer from LUL, the RMT have confirmed that this weeks strike is definitely still ON !!!
The strike begins at 18.30hrs on Wednesday 8th July and we need your support. Would all Neasden Branch Reps/Activists/Members who are planning to organise or assist on picket lines please contact Adam Evans (Branch Chairman) on 07890 056868 to let him know where you will be.

Union leaflets/armbands/flags are now available to collect from Unity House.

RMT members from LUL &FGW to demo at start of strike action. July 8 1830 Paddington Stn

RMT members from both LUL and FGW will be holding a rally at Paddington Station at the start of their respective strikes.
LUL have set out their stall to impose change on the workers and have been given the clearest response from the RMT.
92% of members voted for taking industrial action.

Equally impressive has been the response from our comrades on FGW who in a dispute over similar issues have voted overwhelmingly in favour of strikes.

Jubilee South branch - strike starts here London Bridge 1830 July 8

To kick off the strike action on London Underground the Jubille Branch will be having a picket line at London Bridge station on Wednesday July 8 at 1830.

Please make every effort to attend and serve notice to LUL that this strike will be supported by all the workers 100%

The branch will sit prior to the demo at The Blue Eyed Maid, Borough High St , nearest stations London Bridge and Borough.

ACAS Report On Pay & Night Tube and Job Cuts Disputes

Dear RMT members

Most of you will be aware that we have had a number of magnificent ballot results where members in our union in LUL as well as all of the other tube unions have voted overwhelmingly to fight back. We have four current disputes in LUL:

1. Pay and Night tube
2. Every job matters - defending jobs on London Underground
3. M Door safety alarm procedures - Jubilee Line
4. Introduction of Agency trainers - London Underground

Fleet Agency Trainers Dispute Ballot Results

Dear Colleague,

Introduction of Agency Trainers, Fleet – London Underground

Further to previous correspondence regarding the above, the ballot has now concluded with members voting as follows:-

Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast 368
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 252
Number Voting ‘No’ 112
Spoilt Papers 4

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Total Votes Cast 368
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 335
Number Voting ‘No’ 29
Spoilt Papers 4

Jubilee Line M Door Dispute Ballot Results

30th June 2015

Dear Colleague,

M Door Alarm Procedures, Jubilee Line – London Underground

Further to previous correspondence regarding the above, the ballot has now concluded with members voting as follows:-

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Total Votes Cast 71
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 66
Number Voting ‘No’ 5
Spoilt Papers 0

Your Union’s Executive Committee is currently considering this result and I will write again shortly.

Yours sincerely


RMT Press Office

Overwhelming RMT votes for action in disputes over tube night running, pay, staffing, safety and use of agency staff

Ballots of RMT members concluded today in a series of disputes on London Underground, including the dispute over pay and night running, as the union warned again that working conditions, pay, jobs and safety are facing an almost unprecedented assault which has united all four tube unions in a campaign of resistance.

The ballot results are as follows:

Pay and Night Tube – 91.7% vote YES for strike action