Industrial action

When negotiations fail, RMT members take action

RMT Station Supervisor Suspended For Doing His Job

Please download, print and distribute the attached pdf around your workplace

London Underground management have stood down a station supervisor for doing his job to the letter and following the over time ban - by not being paid to work through his meal break - as directed by the RMT.

The supervisor who faces this attack was also threatened with a drugs and alcohol test. All he did was to take the necessary step of closing the station he was supervising so that he could take a meal break.

Canteen Workers To Strike For Unfairly Sacked Rep Brother Mihaj

Further to my last letter, RMT members at Sodexo voted in favour of industrial action in defence of Petrit Mihaj, your RMT Rep and Activist who has been so disgracefully victimised and sacked by your employer.

An Employment Tribunal has totally vindicated Petrit and ruled he had been unfairly dismissed for his trade union activities. These trade union activities involved supporting, organising and representing RMT members at Sodexo, trying to ensure you are all fairly treated by a bullying employer.

Power Control Strike Suspedended

from RMT Acting General Secretary Mick Cash

Further to my last letter, I am pleased to advise you that ACAS talks to resolve this dispute have resulted in real progress. This matter has now been considered by the General Grades Committee which has decided to suspend all industrial action in this dispute with immediate effect and therefore you are instructed to work normally.

TfL Members To Hold Pay & Pensions Strike On July 10th

Transport for London staff join July 10th strike action in fight over attack on pay and pensions
RMT members at Transport for London will be taking a further 24 hours of joint strike action from this Thursday morning, coinciding with widespread national industrial action in the public sector, in a dispute over an all-out attack on pay and pensions that would condemn to staff to a life of poverty in retirement.

Members have been instructed not to book on for any shifts that commence between:-

  • 05.59 hours Thursday 10th July 2014 and 05.58 hours Friday 11th July 2014.

Power Control Strike

24th June 2014

Dear Colleague,



ISS Cleaners Refuse Biometric Booking On

I write to remind you that we remain in dispute with ISS over the planned introduction of Biometric Fingerprinting Machines for booking on for duty. We are totally opposed to this technology which we believe is a breach of civil liberties and a threat to your jobs. Members on the LUL contract voted ‘Yes’ in a ballot for industrial action and were instructed by the union not to use the new technology until further notice and to use the established booking on method. This action is still in place and you remain protected by the ballot in taking this action.

Tube Power Strike Suspended


I write to advise you that following further negotiations with the company at ACAS, your Executive Committee has decided to suspend all industrial action that was due to commence tomorrow 24th May 2014. Therefore all members are instructed to work normally .

Unfair Treatment of Brother McKoy Leeds To Fleet Strike Ballot

We note the resolution from our LU Fleet Branch share their sentiments on the unfair treatment of Brother McKoy by the COO Operations Management Management.

We also agree that the intervention of a COO manager on our members on Fleet side of LU has serious implications and sets a dangerous precedent for our members. We agree to enter into dispute with the company over this matters and ballot all our LU Fleet members for industrial action short of strike action. We instruct the General Secretary to work with LU Fleet branch to serve notice on this matter within 2 weeks.

RMT Rejects 'Hard Man' Boris Attack On Unions

Responding to Boris Johnson’s attack on trade unions this morning, RMT acting general secretary Mick Cash said:

“From Boris Johnson’s wholesale assault on the trade unions this morning it is crystal clear that he has sought to engineer and provoke a dispute on London Underground, by bulldozing through his cuts and closures programme, in order to use Londoners as pawns in his personal crusade for the leadership of the Tory Party.