ABM Cleaners

Cleaners demonstrating

News, reports and information for London Transport cleaners

RMT Condemns ISS Sacking

TUBE UNION RMT today slammed cleaning contractor ISS for sacking at least one tube cleaner – and sending home many more workers without pay today – for following a union instruction not to book on for shifts using Biometric Fingerprinting Machines.

The agency cleaner was sacked after refusing to use the biometric system to sign on for work at Heathrow Terminal 4 this morning.

Cleaners' Solidarity Demo

Venue: Old Palace Yard, Westminster, SW1P 3JY
Urgent: Demonstration tomorrow in solidarity with ISS cleaners
09.00 Tuesday 8th July Old Palace Yard (opposite Parliament)

You will be aware that we are still in dispute with ISS over their plans to impose a Biometric Fingerprinting system to book on for duty. We had reached agreement that the company would allow the old booking on system for two weeks while we continued to talk. These talks have unfortunately failed to reach agreement.

RMT cleaners say no to fingerprinting !

RMT cleaners on ISS refuse to book on using biometric machines.
Please download and print the attached newsletter and proforma to support our cleaners
Station staff: support the cleaners’ action!
RMT has been involved in a long-running dispute over the use of fingerprinting for booking on which the union believes is a fundamental attack on civil liberties and designed to completely dehumanise the
workplace while threatening jobs through automation in the drive for increased profits.

ISS Cleaners Refuse Biometric Booking On

I write to remind you that we remain in dispute with ISS over the planned introduction of Biometric Fingerprinting Machines for booking on for duty. We are totally opposed to this technology which we believe is a breach of civil liberties and a threat to your jobs. Members on the LUL contract voted ‘Yes’ in a ballot for industrial action and were instructed by the union not to use the new technology until further notice and to use the established booking on method. This action is still in place and you remain protected by the ballot in taking this action.

Union Fights For Cleaners 'Dignity, Respect and Security'


A resolution was received from our LU Engineering branch concerning our cleaning grade members working on London Underground. It raised a number of issues affecting the whole grade such as the following

  • Free Travel
  • Sick Pay
  • Zero Hours Contracts
  • The use of immigration laws and fingerprinting to intimidate members.

Blog: LUL Believes They Should Pay Top Earners More

The RMT has made a number of proposals to London Underground of alternatives to job cuts and ticket office closures. All of these have been rejected by the company. One issue raised was bosses pay. In 2012/13, TfL paid 328 people more than £100k. RMT calculate that if this was capped at £100k, £15m would be saved per year.

In response to our proposal, London Underground wrote to the RMT to defend the bosses high pay, citing ‘total annual pay, ‘Long-term incentives’ and ‘Total Direct Compensation’ to name a few. TfL told us they believe that their managers are probably not paid enough:

Thumbs Down To Fingerprinting Cleaners

Dear Colleagues,


I write to remind you that we remain in dispute with ISS over the planned introduction of Biometric Fingerprinting Machines for booking on for duty. We are totally opposed to this technology which we believe is a breach of civil liberties and a threat to your jobs. Members on the LUL contract voted ‘Yes’ in a ballot for industrial action and were instructed by the union not to use the new technology until further notice and to use the established booking on method. This action is still in place.

London Transport Region Update For April 2014

  1. General Secretary election
    Following the tragic death of Bob Crow, RMT has announced the timetable for the election of a new General Secretary. Following some months during which union branches will nominate candidates, members will vote by postal ballot between 21 July and 22 September 2014.

    More information here: http://www.rmtlondoncalling.org.uk/election2014

RMT Demands Cleaning Services Be Brought Back In House

We note the resolution from the London Transport Regional Council and agree that the union must deal effectively with our members demands and aspirations employed in the cleaner grade. The most effective way for our members concerned to secure decent terms and conditions and social justice in the long term is through industrial trade unionism and rock solid organisation.