London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT Jubilee South Branch Meeting - 4 day week and Night Tube update

RMT Jubilee South branch meetings are held on pay day each month, at 1600 in a private room above the Blue Eyed Maid pub in Borough High Street. The closest tube station is London Bridge.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 8th of June.

Functional and Health & Safety Reps will be at our next branch meeting to give important updates and to take questions.

Come along to hear:

Upfront June 2016: RMT newsletter for London Underground train drivers

Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground tube drivers including industrial and health & safety news.  In this edition:

  • Disputes Rumbling Across Drivers’ Grade
  • ‘Fit for Future: Trains’ Fightback Prepared
  • Night Tube Update
  • Four Day Week Trial
  • PTI: Stay Safe
  • Signals known to have failed

Please download the newsletter to read it and distribute it amongst colleagues and friends.

Regional Organiser's update: positive progress in Piccadilly Line dispute

Today myself and RMT line reps, along with aslef met with Directors and Piccadilly management face to face at Acas to hammer out improvements on key industrial issues effecting our members in this dispute. SPADS, Discipline, the Greivance proceedure , performance management and a commitment to better Industrial relations were discussed. We belive that it was a positive meeting and have agreed to track and review commitments given to the unions by LUL We have also agreed that all parties will sign up to statement to improve industrial relations on the line.

Blog: London mayor Sadiq Khan intends to appoint Val Shawcross CBE as Deputy Mayor for Transport and Deputy Chair of Transport for London

New London mayor Sadiq khan has announced his intention for Val Shawcross to become Deputy Mayor for Transport and Deputy Chair of Transport for London.

LUL and Tube Lines representatives meeting

Dear Colleagues

  1. Breach of core work agreement, contracting out & subcontractors fleet grades – LUL
  2. closure of lillie bridge depot – London Underground. 

The National Executive Committee has called an all-grades Representatives meeting on the above two issues which it views as being an attack on members’ terms and conditions and future job prospects.

The meeting will take place at 10.30 hours in the Unison Building, Euston Road (very near Chalton Street) on Tuesday 7th June 2016