London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Update from SFC reps on preferencing and filling the gaps

Preferencing and filling gaps should be seen as two separate processes.
Filling Gaps: This is just LU running the Fit for the Future location computer to see if any staff who are OE or covering down can be moved into a substantive position.
They may also move a CSM1 who is covering down at CSS into a temporary CSM2 location.
At this time LU has accepted our demand that they do not make sideways moves (same grade) under filling the gaps.

Common sense prevails as Glen Hart returns to his job

Dear RMT members

I am pleased to advise you that we have some good news with regards to Brother Glen Hart. I have received a letter from LUL that Gllen, myself and NEC member John Reid are happy with.

Shortly Glen will be able to return to his normal duties in his job at work.

This is great news for Glen, the union and all of us. Justice and common sense has prevailed.

Thanks and in solidarity

John Leach
RMT Regional Organiser
London Transport region 11

RMT insist Interserve doesn't implement new contract whilst consultation continues


A copy of a new contract that Interserve intend to introduce for staff on its LUL contract has recently been received and an initial consultation process has commenced. To date, one meeting has taken place with the Company and the Lead Officer has already had cause to write to Interserve to insist that there is no implementation until the consultation process has concluded. The Union will continue to monitor this situation and I will keep Branches advised of all further developments.

Central Line East branch calls for 'Every Job Matters' action

Further to my previous Circular (IR/133/16, 5th May 2016), the following resolution has been received from Central Line East Branch:-

“This Branch notes the appalling impact of Fit for the Future – Stations, the ongoing preparations for driverless trains, and threats to jobs in other areas of LUL and more widely, TfL.

We wish the Union to revive its Every Job Matters dispute as soon as is practical. We advocate an all-grades ballot for industrial action, but are also prepared to take stations-only action if station staff are ready to act before other grades”.

TfL ends suspension of pension 'transfers-in' following ongoing RMT pressure

I refer to my previous Circular NP/076/14, 11th April 2014, the RMT has been informed that the suspension of transfers-in from external pension sources has now ended. This will mean that from 1st April 2016 members of the TfL Pension Fund who have deferred (frozen) pension benefits are now able to consider transferring them into the TfL Pension Fund to buy extra pension benefits.

While the decision to transfer rests entirely with the individual member this is good news that members will again have this option.

RMT demands halt to high risk plan to close Holborn Sidings on the Central Line

Tube UNION RMT today demanded an immediate halt to TFL’s cash-led plans to close the Holborn sidings on the Central Line – a move that the union says would pose an immediate danger to staff and passengers alike. The plan is thought to have been cooked up to save somewhere in the region of £30 million.

RMT only discovered the plans by chance and since the 9th of May the union been trying to engage with central line management on the issue with a wholly inadequate response from them.

RMT calls for talks with London Mayor Sadiq Khan

RMT calls for urgent meeting with Mayor Sadiq Khan on tube, rail and taxis.

London's main transport union RMT  today called for urgent talks with newly elected Mayor Sadiq Khan to discuss a wide range of issues that the union says pose the biggest collective threat to transport services in the Capital since the Blitz. 

The RMT union agenda for talks includes;

RMT reiterates opposition to London Underground cuts

Further to my previous Circular (IR/0051/16, 3rd March 2016), the contents of the resolution I reported to you has highlighted that our members’ concerns and the impact on the machinery of negotiation as a result of “Fit for the Future – Stations” remain very much in evidence. Therefore, the matter was again subject to consideration by your National Executive Committee, which has reiterated this union’s opposition to the concept of Fit for the Future, which the NEC notes has so far resulted in: