London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Back Pain Survey For Tube Train Drivers

Do you suffer from any of the following? Bad back, neck, shoulders, wrists, arms, elbows, hands or knees. If the answer is YES to any then please go to the following link below and complete the survey.

In 2013, I undertook the largest survey on the Victoria Line (attached below) with 70% of the Train Operators (both Aslef & RMT members) completing the survey. This was to establish the truth regarding this particular ill-health.

Safety Reps To Meet With Tube Bosses Over Fire Brigade Union 4 day Strike


The Train's Safety Council will be meeting with LU management tomorrow to review the 'Workplace Risk Assessments' and Change Assurance Plans' pertaining to the weekend 96 hour FBU dispute over pensions.

In normal operation, there are 160 fire fighting units covering the London area. During recent disputes there have been 27 units covering 32 London boroughs. You do not have to be Einstein to calculate the discrepancy!

Significant Improvements Seen On Central Line Following Dispute


Further to my previous Circular No. IR/246/14, 19th September 2014, I advised you of the ballot result in favour of taking strike action and industrial action short of a strike. This matter has been considered by the General Grades Committee, which has noted that significant progress has now been made towards resolving the dispute.

Unfairly Sacked Driver's Morden Depot Colleagues balloted For Strike


Following the Morden & Oval Branch resolution regarding the above, the General Grades Committee took the decision to ballot all drivers at Morden for strike action and call for his immediate reinstatement (Circular No. IR/240/14, 12th September 2014).

Bakerloo News October 2014

Here is the October / November issue of Bakerloo News. In this edition

  • Threat of strikes forces concessions: Keep fighting to win more!
  • Management’s five year plan for LDIs?
  • Justice for Alex, Noel, and Vicky! Reinstatement now!
  • RMT beats lone working at Stonebridge Park

Click 'read more' to view and download the newsletter

RMT Congratulates Members On EJM Dispute Resolve

Further to my previous Circular No. IR/247/14, 22nd September 2014, a mass meeting of Reps took place on Thursday 2nd October to discuss the progress made during recent negotiations including commitments that displaced staff will not have to travel more than 30 minutes to a new location; any member deployed to a grade with a lower rate of pay will have their salary guaranteed; no member will have to reapply for their current job – all staff will be given all relevant coaching/training to settle into their new role.

Reinstate Vicky Hayward!

Click 'attachment' / file name to download a leaflet. Please distribute around your workplace.

London Underground Ltd has sacked Bank group CSA Vicky Hayward, despite having no evidence against her.

Vicky had an accident at work. But a manager decided that he did not believe her, and says that the CCTV did not show the accident. But neither Vicky nor her rep were able to see the footage, which was destroyed.

If LUL gets away with this, it could be you next time.

Significant Progress Leads To Strike Being Called Off

‘That we note the update report from the Lead Officer which outlines progress that has been made at ACAS since our last decision to call strike action which are as follows:

  • LU has abandoned their position that consultation has been completed. They now accept further consultation will take place on Fit for the Future, Stations.
  • LU has accepted that the number of post reductions will be further reduced from the planned 897.
  • The crucial principle of Salary and location guarantee has been extended to all staff who have medical restrictions.

in The News: RMT Calls Tube Strike

The RMT have announced a 48 hour tube strike next week in the fight over job cuts and ticket office closures. The latest action has been widely reported in the press as RMT members prepare for action to defend jobs and a decent tube service:


Londoners are set for further Tube chaos next week with London Underground workers due to go on strike for 48 hours over staff cuts and ticket office closures.

Tube Workers Strike Over Job Cuts

TUBE UNION RMT today confirmed 48 hours of strike action on London Underground later this month in the continuing fight against the Mayor’s onslaught on jobs, working conditions, safety and the threat to services including the wholesale closure of ticket offices.

The vast majority of RMT tube members have been instructed not to book on for any shifts between 2100 hrs on 14th October through to 2059 hrs on the 16th October. Fleet members have been instructed not to book on for any shifts between 1829 hrs on the 14th October through to 1828 hrs on the 16th October.