London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Disciplinary Review Legal Issues Investigated

We note the report from our Regional Organiser on this issue.

We remain concerned that the employer has reached agreement with just one union, and do not accept the explanation from the company that it did this because TSSA raised the issues with it first. We instruct the General Secretary to ensure that this is raised at the next Company Council meeting.

Metropolitan Line Upgrade

We note the resolution from our Neasden branch, and that the Metropolitan line upgrade is now complete. We place on record our recognition of the work of our Upgrades representatives on this over the last few years. All issues for negotiation and consultation should now be dealt with through the established machinery rather than the Upgrades set-up.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

  1. write immediately to London Underground Ltd seeking the company’s confirmation that this will take place, to place the reply in front of us, and to monitor the situation.

Tube Disciplinary Review Joint Approach Welcomed

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, and the continuing discussions at the APC Joint Working Party. We instruct the General Secretary to place LUL’s revised draft in front of us once received.

We further not that we still await the outcome of Brother Smith’s* grievance regarding the role of the PMA in his case and instruct the General Secretary to place this in front of us once received.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain the report instructed by our previous decision as to whether London Underground’s use of PMAs meets ACAS standards.

Stations and Revenue Control Safety Council Staff Side Update December 2012

Winter Weather

The RMT industrial position is that as a working practise, staff clearing snow is something we do. However, the TSSA have a different view that they do not believe it is a job that staff should carry out
However, the safety issues including work place risk assessments, protection and equipment still remain. We continue to raise these with LUL both locally and at council level, and have also issued a special bulletin and pro-forma that is separate from this update giving advice on protection


Jubilee South Branch December Newsletter

The latest newsletter for Jubilee South branch has just been published.

This months edition includes stories on:

  • Wave & Pay technology being a threat to jobs
  • Tube drivers ballot for action over Boxing Day annual leave 'sale'
  • Details about the next branch and a regional recruitment workshop

You can download the newsletter below.

RMT Pursues Issue Of Olympic Payment To Admin Grades

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd, which merely tells us the structure of 'rewards' for admin staff, not the level at which they were paid out in recognition of the extra workload during the Olympics.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to write again to LUL, asking specifically: what opportunity it gave staff to nominate; how many nominations were received; and how many awards of each category were granted.

Breach of Casualisation Dispute Continues And May Be Escalated

We note that London Underground Ltd continues to breach the settlement of our 2008 Casualisation dispute, in particular in its deployment of ICSAs, continuing use of agency staff, and plans to introduce mobile station supervision.

Noting the correspondence with our legal advisers, we instruct the General Secretary to send a letter to all LUL members reminding them of our ongoing industrial action in this dispute.

RMT Welcomes Tube Bosses Agreement To Remove Time Limit On Reimbursement Costs Of Spectacles

We note the correspondence from the company following the discussion at the recent meeting of London Underground Ltd’s Company Council. We welcome LUL’s agreement to remove the 2-year limit on payment of reimbursements, but are disappointed that the company refuses to reimburse staff who require two sets of different prescription spectacles for more than one set.

We instruct the General Secretary to reply to LUL in line with this stance and to seek a joint approach with ASLEF on this issue.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.