London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT Rejects Latest LU Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the revised offer from London Underground. Whilst it shows a slight improvement, this offer is still below inflation, does not adequately address our claims for improved conditions, and remains a five-year offer. It therefore falls well short of settlements we have achieved on some other companies, and of our claim for a one-year deal of a substantial increase in pay and improved conditions. We also note that London Underground has confirmed that this is not its final offer.

London Underground Pay-Regional Council 26th May

The following resolution submitted by East Ham branch was carried at the Regional Council meeting on May 26th.

This Regional Council already has policy that RMT should name a figure that the union aspires to achieve for this year’s pay award. We now resolve that this figure should be 6.5% (ie. February RPI+1%) or £2,500 whichever is higher. We feel that this would give greater benefit to the low paid grades whilst still being reasonable for the higher paid Grades.

London Underground: RMT to Accept New Machinery of Negotiation

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser and the recent discussion with our representatives. We accept our Regional Organiser’s recommendation that we accept the proposed machineries of negotiation for London Underground, both industrial relations and health & safety. We await clarification of the two issues raised with the company before signing our agreement.

We instruct the General Secretary, once agreement is signed, to advise all relevant branches and representatives, providing them with a copy of the documents.

London Underground: RMT Secures Return of Uniform Cleaning Vouchers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that London Underground has agreed to our request to reinstate uniform cleaning vouchers. We instruct the General Secretary to inform London Underground of our acceptance of this; ask the company to restore the vouchers as soon as possible; and ask the company for a list of outlets which accept the vouchers. The company’s reply is to be placed back in front of us.

We further instruct the General Secretary to advise all London Underground members of:

  • our success in achieving the reinstatement of uniform cleaning vouchers

RMT London Calling - May 2011

REINSTATE OUR REPS! At long last, Eamonn Lynch's tribunal has announced its unanimous decision: Eamonn's dismissal by LU was unfair and was because of his trade union activities. If management still refuses to reinstate both Eamonn and Arwyn, we must prepare to hit the company with strike action, starting on Monday 16th May. An injury to one is an injury to all.

For details of the strikes and other issues, click on the attachment below.

New issue of RMT up front - Eamonn Lynch secures crushing victory at employment tribunal

Click on the attachment to see the lastest edition of RMT up front, the newsletter for LU train operators. It gives a full report on the recent tribunal ruling on Eamonn Lynch's unlawful sacking.

Main story follows:

Eamonn Lynch secures crushing victory at employment tribunal

An employment tribunal has unequivocally found that Eamonn Lynch, RMT Health and Safety Representative for the Bakerloo Line, was dismissed because he was a member of a health and safety committee and because of his trade union activities.
Three times now the legal system - usually biased towards employers - has
ruled on the side of Tube workers, giving a massive boost to the union's
campaign for reinstatement of both Eamonn and Northern Line driver Arwyn

RMTV: Assistant General Secretary Pat Sikorski Discusses Arwyn & Eamonn Sacking Dispute

RMT has called a series of strikes on London Underground from May 16, 2011 in defence of Eamonn Lynch and Arwyn Thomas, two reps unfairly sacked for their trade union activities. Eamonn won his employment tribunal shortly after this interview with RMT assistant general secretary Pat Sikorski was filmed. Arwyn has won his interim relief hearing which ruled on the 'likelihood' that his full tribunal is likely to rule in his favour. Yet London Underground stubbornly refuses to budge and re-instate these men.

Strike Dates Announced In Fight To Defend Sacked Reps Arwyn and Eamonn

TUBE UNION RMT today announced strike dates after members voted by almost two to one for strike action in a ballot of all train operator and instructor operator members in the on-going disputes over the victimisation of union activists including two driver members - Eamon Lynch and Arwyn Thomas - over their trade union activities.

RMT Opposes London Underground 'Rainbow' Process

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Regional Organiser. It is clear that London Underground Ltd is using the ‘rainbow’ attendance procedure to crank up its persecution of our members who are unfortunate enough to be unable to attend work through sickness, injury or other adverse circumstances. The company is using arbitrary targets and spurious ‘patterns’ to summon members to meetings, at which it denies them representation, and from which it issues ‘outcome’ letters which threaten disciplinary action.

Regional Organiser's April Report

RMT rejects London Underground pay offer

This year we put in a joint pay claim with Unite and Tssa (aslef were asked to join us but declined.) RMT, TSSA and Unite are meeting on Thursday 28th April to discuss our next joint positions (once again
Aslef were invited but declined.) RMT formally rejected London Underground's pay offer which was a five year deal. A 4 percent pay deal this year when inflation is 5.5 percent and inflation plus 0.25 percent for the next four years. We will be seeking more talks on pay and I will keep you informed of all progress made.