London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT announces Boxing Day strike on Bakerloo line

Following an overwhelming YES vote for action by RMT Bakerloo South Group members over the Company’s failure to ensure sufficient shift coverage in line with previous commitments given the union has confirmed a programme of industrial action, warning that LU’s current position creates undue stress on staff and puts all members and the travelling public at increased risk. 

Tube bosses cull of counselling workers detrimental to RMT members


That we note the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council regarding the significant removal of counselling services provided by LUOH without consultation; due to the downsizing of LUOH staff numbers to save costs and the detrimental effect this will have on our members.

We instruct the General Secretary to seek an urgent meeting with the company at Director level with the Lead Officer and senior IR & HS reps in attendance.

All London Underground members to be advised.

Strike dates named as Bakerloo South group votes for industrial action


We congratulate our Bakerloo Line Branch and representatives for running a successful campaign to highlight the need to ballot for industrial actions in light of the
companies disregard for their own policies and procedures and creating undue stress on our members; putting them and the travelling public at risk.

That we note that the ballot results are as follows:

The result for strike action is:-

RMT prepares ground for ballot of all drivers to defend unfairly sacked brother Bailey

That we note that the recent meeting of Train Operator Industrial Reps required a combine wide Train Operators ballot following numerous demands from other branches across the tube combine for re-instatement of Bro Paul Bailey.

We instruct the General Secretary to prepare a ballot matrix of all Train Operators and Operator Instructors across all lines on the London Underground combine, and to ensure an effective dispute escalation campaign is undertaken in preparation including:

Met line drivers to be balloted over canteen closure


That we note the report from the Lead Officer; that the company have chosen to ignore the letter sent to them highlighting the issues of the lack of welfare provision for Train Crew members and the serious risks presented by aggressive anti-social behaviour in the surrounding neighbourhood.

RMT to take further strike action on Central Line

RMT to take further strike action on Central Line over breakdown in industrial relations

Tube union RMT today announced further strike action on London Underground’s Central Line on Friday 21st December and Saturday 22nd December 2018. The action is over a comprehensive breakdown in industrial relations, a failure to employ enough drivers, a wholesale abuse of agreed procedures and the victimisation of a trade union member.

It follows on from 24 hours action earlier this month which shut down the service completely.

RMT in dispute with LU over uncovered duties

That we note the report from the Lead Officer regarding talks with the company; and that we have had no satisfactory undertaking that duties will be sufficiently covered. It actually appears to be the case that if they could get away with skeleton staffing all stations they would!

This breaching of their own policy and procedure creates undue stress on our members and puts them and the travelling public at risk’ representing a breakdown in trust between the company, their staff and this union.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

RMT in dispute with LU over uncovered duties

That we note the report from the Lead Officer regarding talks with the company; and that we have had no satisfactory undertaking that duties will be sufficiently covered. It actually appears to be the case that if they could get away with skeleton staffing all stations they would!

This breaching of their own policy and procedure creates undue stress on our members and puts them and the travelling public at risk’ representing a breakdown in trust between the company, their staff and this union.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to: