London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Tube bosses testing feasibility of driverless trains on Jubilee Line


Further to my Circular No IR/345/16 17th November 2016, I have been in correspondence with our sister union ASLEF with a view to working together on this matter. In addition a reply has been received from London Underground stating that the tests were at “the feasibility stage, assessment of the range of potential options to increase the service is not finalised and that this isn’t to fully automate the line”.

Ballot result: Christmas & New Year’s working arrangements


Further to my previous Circular (IR/377/16, 6th December 2016), the ballot has concluded with members voting as follows:-

Are you prepared to take strike action?


Total Votes Cast                69

Number Voting ‘Yes’           58

Number Voting ‘No’            11

Spoilt Papers                     0


Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?


Tube drivers to strike following 'overly harsh' sacking of colleague

Following the recent ballot result in favour of taking strike action and action short of a strike in protest against the unfair dismissal of your RMT colleague Brother Dean Storey, your Reps met yesterday to discuss the matter. As a result and having noted the views from this meeting, the National Executive Committee has taken the decision to call on all affected members at West Ruislip Traincrew Depot and White City Traincrew Depot NOT TO BOOK ON for any shifts that commence between:-

School girl photographed on tracks at tube station unstaffed due to job cuts

- Incident follows tube bosses broken pledge that all stations will be staffed when passenger trains run.
- 800 job cuts have seen numerous safety incidents on unstaffed or understaffed stations.
- Tube bosses now offering strikebreakers three times the pay of some station staff in an attempt to prop up failed 'Fit for the Future’ stations operation model.

RMT General Secretary, Mick Cash, has slammed London Underground management for allowing London’s tube stations to descend into chaos as a result of unjustified job cuts.

TfL ambassadors - don't undermine station staffs' fight for jobs

TfL ambassadors - don't take bribes to undermine station staff fight for jobs 

So the big TfL/London Underground lie is exposed for the sham that it is. Tube workers now know that money is not the issue; there's loads of it. White collar TfL staff, many of whose jobs are already under threat as a result of Tory government cuts and the new Mayor's spending review, are being bribed in an attempt to undermine LU station staff's industrial action. 

RMT Suspends Industrial Action on Piccadilly and Hammersmith and City Lines

Tube union RMT has confirmed that 24 hours of strike action from tomorrow evening on the Piccadilly & Hammersmith and City  lines in separate disputes involving drivers has been suspended following successful talks with London Underground at ACAS.
The union says that all objectives in the Piccadilly Line dispute have now been achieved and that the union is committed to further talks aimed at a long term agreement on the Hammersmith and City Line.
General Secretary Mick Cash said:

A Message to you CSA

A message to you CSA

Baby sitting a station – what could possibly go wrong?

LUL – we haven't got a CSM for West Ham today
Please do some OT  CSA and keep Station open
Nothing will go wrong
We do it all the time
Sit in the Station Control Room, drink tea and pretend nothing's happening l
Don't go on the gate line
Leave gates open
You're a CSA
What could possibly go wrong?l

As overtime ban bites Tube bosses agree to additional station jobs at ACAS talks

Dear RMT members

Today myself and senior RMT Stations reps, alongside TSSA, attended talks at ACAS.

LUL have confirmed that they will put additional roles / jobs back into Underground stations. We have agreed, on that basis, to take part in 7 day review to identify exactly where those jobs will be allocated.

LUL confirmed that recruitment had started and they already have a starting pool of CSAs to offer additional jobs to.