London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Strong yes vote for station cuts strike action

Further to my previous Circular (IR/317/16, 26th October 2016), the ballot has concluded with members voting as follows:-

Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast 1053
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 900
Number Voting ‘No’ 149
Spoilt Papers 4

Question: Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Big votes for action in two separate disputes on London Underground

Tube union RMT confirmed today that balloting has concluded in two separate disputes on London Underground with massive votes for action being recorded in both. Both disputes, tube station staff and Piccadilly Line drivers, have safety of passengers and staff at their core.

The disputes are:

CSM2 job under threat

The CSM2 job is now is seriously under threat as a result of some LU Area Managers lobbying hard behind the scenes for its abolition. RMT knows the CSM2 grade doesn't work - but not for the reasons being touted by managers. One idea being seriously canvassed is the merging of adjacent CSM2-type areas, with stations to be run by a CSS in exactly the same way as an SS2 used to until LU stupidly abolished SS grades to drive down pay, and this would likely be a CSS2; there are usually no Ops Rooms.

Bakerloo News November 2016

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for members of the RMT's Bakerloo branch. In this edition:

  • New ballot for action on stations: Fight back against cuts
  • Why drivers should support the dispute on stations
  • Elections for 2017
  • Cleaners’ News

Please share the newsletter with your colleagues.


Bakerloo branch AGM 2016

Bakerloo branch Annual General Meeting & Christmas Social

Tuesday 6 December, 16:00, upstairs at The Fountains Abbey, 109 Praed Street, W2 1PL (nearest Tube: Edgware Road H&C or Paddington)

  • Elect your workplace representatives and branch officials
  • Awards for long serving members
  • Branch raffle
  • Buffet and bar provided


RMT Upfront November 2016

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for drivers on London Underground, produced by RMT driver activists and reps.

In this edition:

  • Tube bosses confirm driverless train testing has taken place
  • Happy New Year to Night Tube drivers
  • RMT demands end of cuts following North Greenwich bomb incident
  • District and H&C Line dispute over Boxing day and NYE working
  • Piccadilly Line Ballot 
  • Night Tube & Trains Grades meetings

Please share the newsletter with your colleagues.


Piccadilly Line drivers ballot prepared

A ballot for strike action of drivers on the Piccadilly Line is being prepared. The dispute involves issues over breach of procedure, mistreatment of a line representatives, unfair disciplinary action and issues surrounding safety and training.

Read the latest Piccadilly Line newsletter for all the latest news for drivers on the line.


London Underground bosses confirm driverless train testing has taken place

Following a number of reports of London Underground carrying out trials of ‘driverless’ trains into and out of Willesden Green sidings on the Jubilee line, the Trains Health & Safety Council formally asked LUL at director level if the reports were correct. LUL confirmed that they have been testing technology that would allow trains to move in and out of sidings without a Train Operator on the train.