New LUL Sickness Reporting Procedure To Improve Confidentiality

Handling confidential personal information in line with the Data Protection Act:

  1. Train operators should telephone the booking-on point on the first day / shift of sickness where possible (reference to 2.1 of LUL AAW Procedure).
  2. The train operator will state that they are reporting sick and, if possible, give an approximate timescale for resumption of duty.
  3. If the DTSM is unable to have a confidential discussion at that time, they will advise the train operator to call the TOSM’s office as soon as possible to provide sickness details and any medication being used in a confidential manner. The DTSM may be able to advise the train operator to call them back, or another DTSM, if an assurance is given that the call will be confidential.
  4. The basic information from the train operator’s telephone call, such as date, time, name, and a generic reference to being unable to attend work, must be recorded in the desk logbook. However, confidential details pertaining to the sickness must be recorded on the appropriate documentation, as per the Manager’s Handbook, and held in a way that will not be accessible to those who do not require this information.
  5. The TOSM / DTSM and the train operator should agree future contact arrangements.
  6. The train operator will advise the TOSM’s / DTSM’s office of any change to medication or circumstances.

Additionally, the process outlined in points 4 and 5 should be applied to all incidents of the train operators’ non-attendance.

TFC Joint Bulletin February 2014