
All LTRC Newsletters and regular bulletins

RMT Upfront September 2017

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for Tube drivers from the RMT.

In this edition which focuses on the current dispute:

  • RMT pursues resolution in pay dispute 
  • A four day week at what cost? 
  • Trains Grades meeting 
  • 4 Day 36 Hour Week
  • Pro rata working  arrangements 
  • Weekend working 
  • Career development 

Please distribute the newsletter in your depot or share it online.

Bakerloo News September 2017

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for workers on the Bakerloo Line from RMT Bakerloo branch activists.

In this edition:

  • LU attacks RMT stations reps
  • Reinstate Danny Davis!
  • Cleaning contract transfer
  • Queens Park bosses: Making it up as they go along on sickness and attendance
  • Bakerloo driver wins pay reinstatement

RMT Upfront Four Day Week Special, August 2017

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground train drivers, produced by RMT activists.

In this special edition which focuses on the Four Day Week trial at the following articles:

  • Four day week trial ends soon, - Permanent roll out could mean all spare duties extended to ten hours
  • Why did the trial take place?
  • RMT Charter calls for four day, 32 hour week
  • Reduced hours working

Take the debate to your branch.

RMT Upfront Late June 2017

RMT Upfront is a newsletter for London Underground drivers, from RMT activists and reps on the Tube.

In this edition:

  • Watergate Scandal
  • Station staff needed
  • A change too far
  • Dust committee up and running
  • Cab security
  • Night Tube

Please download and distribute the newsletter in your depot, or share it on social media.

Bakerloo News June 2017

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for Bakerloo Line trubw wokers from the RMT Bakerloo branch.

In this edition:

  • Tories’ anti-union laws scupper industrial action ballot

  • Grenfell Tower fire: working-class people killed by austerity

  • Labour election gains: keep fighting to kick out the Tories!

  • Women workers demand dignity in the workplace

  • Staffing level to increase as result of January strike

  • Early start on WTT43

  • Don’t let LU cut corners on safety

RMT Upfront May 2017

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground Tube drivers from the RMT.

In this edition:

  • Safety critical? Keep it brief
  • Not too HOT procedure
  • Fire at Oxford Circus
  • Dust update

Please distribute the newsletter in your workplace, or share it online with your colleagues.

Newsnight: News and information for Night Tube staff, May 2017

Newsnight is the newsletter for Night Tube workers.

In this edition:
- London Bridge 3 ballot - vote yes
- Night Tube drivers win
- Working Nights? Know your rights!
- New station staff Jobs - what's in in for us?

Please download and distribute the attached newsletter in your workplace, or share it online with your colleagues.