
All LTRC Newsletters and regular bulletins

Trains Manager - Director's Review Outcome

Yesterday, we met with the company for a Director’s Review about proposed changes to trains management. The company refused to acknowledge that anyone’s terms and conditions are being changed and are determined to continue with their imposition date of Sunday 23rd April.

We stated that this is unacceptable and we do not agree with this position. The RMT has insisted from day one that these changes are a change of terms and conditions and the company have refused to engage with proper negotiations with us.

RMT Upfront April 2017

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for Tube drivers from the RMT. In this editing are health & safety articles on:

  • Tube bosses desire to reintroduce 'flash and dash'
  • Tunnel telephone wire removal
  • The unacceptable number of staff assaults
  •  The health risk of tunnel dust

Please click the attachment to read the newsletter. You can also download it and distribute it in your depot, or share this article with your work mates.

Bakerloo News March 2017

Please download and distribute the latest newsletter from RMT Bakerloo branch activists.

In this edition:

  • Station staffing dispute: Historic action wins huge concessions
  • SRT news
  • Queens Park Trains: All Eyes on New TOM
  • Scheduling consultation


Bakerloo News January 2017 - strike special

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for members of the Bakerloo branch. This is a special edition covering the ongoing battle for more jobs to improve safety on London Underground.

In this edition:

  • Stand firm to win jobs
  • Drivers: safety first!

  • Further Strikes Planned

  • Oxo jobs win

  • No cutting corners with minimum numbers!

  • Rep elections

Please share on social media, or prnt out and distribute in your workplace.


Night Tube News November 2016

Dear fellow Night Tube staff

From next Wednesday, RMT stations and revenue staff will be refusing to work overtime, as part of our campaign to restore cut jobs and improve working conditions for all station staff. That includes us. I am writing to urge you to take part in this action - in order words, NOT to work overtime.

Piccadilly Line drivers ballot prepared

A ballot for strike action of drivers on the Piccadilly Line is being prepared. The dispute involves issues over breach of procedure, mistreatment of a line representatives, unfair disciplinary action and issues surrounding safety and training.

Read the latest Piccadilly Line newsletter for all the latest news for drivers on the line.


Bakerloo News October 2016

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for workers on the Bakerloo Line, produced by the RMT bakerloo line branch.  In this edition:

  • Prepare for action!
    • Your union is preparing to launch a new dispute on stations, including a ballot for industrial action, over the consequences of “Fit for the Future”.
  • Ticket offices: use the review

  • SRT: Defend the Framework


  • Elephant depot vacancies filled, but fight continues

  • Oxo toilet refurb