
All LTRC Newsletters and regular bulletins

Upgrade News April 2018

Upgrade News is the newsletter for SSR, with all the latest news about S Stock and CBCT' from local RMT reps and activists. In this edition:

  • CBCT Is Here, But Shortfall of Instructor Operators Looms 
  • Mistakes Happen 
  • Sand Issues 
  • Wipe Out This Problem 
  • Is Hammersmith depot a depot or a siding? 
  • Destination Nowhere 
  • Sit Comfy 
  • Saloon Doors  Secure? 
  • Get involved 

Please download and distribute the newsletter in your workjplace and share online.

Senior Manager Admin Transformation Update

Your MATS reps met with London Underground last week for the latest consultation meeting. There has been some progress in this work stream. The company have put in extra ADCO jobs, meaning that all ADCOs will now be mapped and there will be vacancies at that grade.

The company are also going to open Voluntary Severance for Support Managers.

Asset Operations Transformation Update

Your MATS reps met with London Underground last week for the latest consultation meeting. Again the company deviated from the agenda proposed by your reps and we made little progress. It was a three hour meeting, with the first two hours spent talking about the proposed TUPE of 3 Bombardier staff into London Underground. LU are bringing these people into the company and including one of them ‘in scope’ for Transformation. We do not agree with this and believe that existing staff should not be put at risk by somebody new coming into the company.

RMT Upfront February 2018

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground train drivers written by RMT drivers.

In this edition:

  • Central line safety issues rumble on
  • Code red in the depot
  • Noise and rough rides worsen
  • Night Tube policing
  • 4g in tunnels

Please download, print and distribute n your workplace or share this article on line.



Service Control News February 2018

Service control News is the newsletter for service control from the RMT.

In this edition:

  • Every Job Matters: Changes to your current job role are under attack
  • 4LM Hammersmith upgrade, The fight begins...
  • Change Champions: Don’t get involved
  • PRP: Equal Pay for Equal Work 
  • Attendance Reviews Rainbow Reports
  • CHECK YOUR DETAILS; Urgent action for all members

Please download the newsletter and distribute in your control room or share with colleagues online.