LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

Jubilee South News March 2018

Jubilee South News is the newsletter for workers on the Jubilee Line between Stratford and Westminster, including stations, trains, cleaners, canteen workers and SMD control.

In this edition of Jubilee South News:

  • Does driving on the Jubilee Line damage our hearing?

  • Workers, CCTV and LUL

  • Join us at the next branch meeting

  • Babysitting Stations

  • Overtime - a curious case of who pays?

  • RMT calls on London mayor to end exploitation of Tube cleaners

RMT have not agreed new CSA2 document

Dear all Stations and Revenue Staff,

This afternoon, Friday 9th of March, a communication has been sent out on the intranet titled “explaining the CSA2 role.“

RMT and TSSA members of the Station's Safety Council have been negotiating this document for many months now.

The document sent out today is COMPLETELY unagreed whatsoever with either trade union. Furthermore we where not even shown a copy of prior to it being published.

2017 A Historic Year on Stations: Strike won 325 Jobs. Now we fight on to defend our conditions

Please download and distribute the last SFC News of 2017.

Printed copies are avaialable from Unity House and can be collected up to mid day on Fri 22 Dec.


Newsletter includes:

2017 was a Historic Year for Stations

CSA Sacked for asking colleague to swap a duty with less than 12 hours rest

Annual Leave & Roster Changes

More Attendance Management Abuses

Gateline Wizard



Tube Bosses leaving stations unstaffed

Tube bosses are leaving stations unstaffed during traffic hours. It will come as no surprise to those of us who work on the Tube, but the 'revelation' was described as an exclusive by BBC London News today.

The BBC report states that:

"Four years ago today Transport for London (TfL) announced all London Underground ticket offices would be shut. 

Station members congratulated over FFtF dispute successes

We congratulate our stations members on mounting a convincing dispute and strike action against the company’s Fit For the Future/Stations re-organisation, and enabling our Reps and Lead Officer to do a great job through negotiations in repairing the damage done to the safety, staffing and general running of tube stations; including putting back 325 jobs.

325 Jobs Won through Strike Action Now Allocated

325 Jobs Won through Strike Action Now Allocated

« More than 500 Jobs have been won back since the 953 Fit for the future cuts were announced.

« 325 new jobs won by Jan 17 strike will bring big reduction in lone working at worst effected locations.

« Additional jobs plus 54 CSA2 to CSA1 upgrades will help roster balance.