LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

Poster: London Bridge 3 station ballot begins

- Please download and display the attached poster at your station, or share this post on social media.

London Bridge 3 Victimisation Dispute


In light of the deplorable treatment of our three members including Brother Cornell’s dismissal after 19 years service via an utter miscarriage of justice, your union has taken the decision to escalate this dispute and ballot ALL Stations Grades and Revenue Control Inspector members for strike action and industrial action short of a strike.

London Bridge 3 picket line video

Reel News has interviewed the RMT's London Transport Regional Organiser John Leach and the National Executive Commitee officer Andy Littlechild on the succesful picket Line at London Bridge. RMT members at the station have been on strike following the sacking of Lee Cornell and disciplinary actions taken against two others who were defending themselves having been assaulted by a fare dodging passanger.

Tube strike ballot to be held in defense of London Bridge 3

In light of the deplorable treatment of our stations staff members; Brothers Siussi 52 weeks final warning, Sharp 52 weeks final warning, along with Cornel’s summary dismissal and his failed appeal that was an utter miscarriage of justice; We instruct the General Secretary to ballot all grades/members (CSA1, CSA2, CSS, CSM’s & RCI’s but excluding LU Staff Trainers at Ashfield House) based in all station areas and Cover Groups on London Underground for strike action and actions short of a strike.

Tube workers to strike for London Bridge Three



Further to my previous Circular (IR/156/17, 5th April 2017), the ballots at London Bridge and Waterloo have concluded and the results were as follows:-

London Bridge

The result for strike action:-

Number of members balloted 66

Total Votes Cast 38 (58%)

Number Voting ‘Yes’ 35 (53%)

Number Voting ‘No’ 3

Spoilt Papers 0


The result for action short of strike:-

Number of members balloted 66

Tube staff vote for strike to defend London Bridge Three

RMT members vote for action over "London Bridge Three" - Tube staff sacked and disciplined for stopping violent assault.

Tube union RMT has confirmed today that station staff across the London Bridge and Waterloo groups have voted for both strike action and action short of a strike in a ballot after one member was sacked and two others disciplined for intervening to stop a serious assault by a fare-dodger on fellow staff members including one who was pregnant. The ballot result will now be considered by the union’s national executive.

As London Bridge Three ballot opens, RMT General Secretary tells tube bosses 'do the right thing'

Tube union RMT has confirmed that balloting of station staff across the London Bridge and Waterloo group for both strike action and action short of a strike has opened today after one member was sacked and two others disciplined for intervening to stop a serious assault by a fare-dodger on fellow staff members including one who was pregnant. The ballot will close on the 18th April.

Ballot planned in defense of London Bridge 3


Following a report recently received from the Lead Officer, along with correspondence from our Jubilee South Branch, the National Executive Committee has taken the decision to declare a dispute situation and ballot all RMT Station Grades members in the London Bridge Area for strike action and action short of a strike over the above.