LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

Blog: London mayor Sadiq Khan intends to appoint Val Shawcross CBE as Deputy Mayor for Transport and Deputy Chair of Transport for London

New London mayor Sadiq khan has announced his intention for Val Shawcross to become Deputy Mayor for Transport and Deputy Chair of Transport for London.

Common sense prevails as Glen Hart returns to his job

Dear RMT members

I am pleased to advise you that we have some good news with regards to Brother Glen Hart. I have received a letter from LUL that Gllen, myself and NEC member John Reid are happy with.

Shortly Glen will be able to return to his normal duties in his job at work.

This is great news for Glen, the union and all of us. Justice and common sense has prevailed.

Thanks and in solidarity

John Leach
RMT Regional Organiser
London Transport region 11

Central Line East branch calls for 'Every Job Matters' action

Further to my previous Circular (IR/133/16, 5th May 2016), the following resolution has been received from Central Line East Branch:-

“This Branch notes the appalling impact of Fit for the Future – Stations, the ongoing preparations for driverless trains, and threats to jobs in other areas of LUL and more widely, TfL.

We wish the Union to revive its Every Job Matters dispute as soon as is practical. We advocate an all-grades ballot for industrial action, but are also prepared to take stations-only action if station staff are ready to act before other grades”.

RMT demands closure of Ealing Broadway station over asbestos warning

TUBE UNION RMT today demanded the closure of Ealing Broadway station and urgent reassurances to staff after an asbestos alarm was raised by union reps.

Over the weekend there was a major incident at Ealing Broadway station when roof tiles, containing asbestos, fell on the platform. London Underground staff , unaware they contained asbestos , assisted in the clearing up . RMT says that it is not the first time that this has happened.

RMT call for halt to job cuts as dangerous overcrowding hits Kings Cross

RMT demands halt and reversal of station staffing job cuts as dangerous overcrowding hits Kings Cross and Victoria this morning.

General secretary Mick Cash said.

"The dangerous and chronic overcrowding on London Underground has worsened this morning with Kings Cross closed and Victoria diverting passengers during the peak.

RMT Central Line East branch calls for further action over Fit for the Future

Dear Colleagues,


As you will be aware, the new operating model in respect of Fit for the Future - Stations commenced on 7th February 2016 and I have received a resolution from our Central Line East Branch regarding this matter, which is as follows:-

“We note the following problems on the ‘vanguard groups’ (ie. those on which Fit for the Future – Stations has already been implemented) in our Branch’s area: