LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

RMT demands tube bosses return brother Hart to his job


Further to my previous Circular (IR/029/16, 5th February 2016) and following the recent ballot result where RMT members voted ‘YES’ in favour of taking strike action and industrial action short of a strike this matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to call an OVERTIME BAN:-

ALL LUL MEMBERS are therefore instructed NOT TO WORK ANY OVERTIME between 18:00 hours on Wednesday 2nd March and 17:59 hours on Thursday 3rd March 2016.

Fit For The Future: A Warning from the front line !

Your workmates on the " Vanguard groups" of Leytonstone and Central line east want you to know what is happening since Fit for the future (stations) was imposed on 7th Feb. This is what awaits you all unless we stand up to London Underground and demand better.

Please use the link to download the Attached document. read, download, print, email and circulate this as everyone needs to know whats in store

Further intensive talks as tube station strike nears

Re: Every job matters /Fit for the future stations. Further Update on talks held on Thursday 4th February

Dear RMT members

Today, all day We continued the face to face negotiations with LUL at Director level on the above dispute.

The talks were intensive, detailed and constructive.

Negotiations have not finished and are now adjourned until 0930 Friday 5th February.


John Leach
RMT Regional Organiser
London Transport region 11

Talks on London Underground stations dispute ongoing

To RMT members  (station grades)

Yesterday and today myself and senior RMT stations reps have met management to attempt to make progress on key outstanding issues on Fit for Future: Stations.

- Rosters ( weekend working)

- Short notice change of duties

- Revenue concerns around unlicensed staff servicing ticket machines

- SRT issues around duty allocation

The talks have been quite positive, but not finished and have now adjourned until 0930 tomorrow morning.

Further info will be provided in due course.


Every Job Matters - Strike Dates Announced

Dear Colleague,



Further to previous correspondence where I advised you that RMT would be organising a Week of Action for our LUL Station Grades members between Sunday 7th and Saturday 13th February, the National Executive Committee has considered what form this action should take and instructs all RMT Station Grades NOT TO BOOK ON FOR SHIFTS between the following times:-

Station workers balloted to defend unfairly sacked disabled colleague

DISMISSAL, R. GARD, CSA, BOND STREET – LONDON UNDERGROUND (LUL/4/1) Further to my previous Circular (IR/276/15, 12th November 2015), members will recall the case of Sister Rachel Gard who suffers from type 1 diabetes and was recently dismissed from London Underground.

This matter has now been considered again by the National Executive Committee, which has noted the outcome of the Director’s review to uphold the decision to dismiss Sister Gard, and taken the decision to commence a ballot of our Customer Service Assistant members at Bond Street Station.

Tube workers to be balloted in defense of Glen hart


Further to my previous Circular (IR/261, 29th October 2015), the National Executive Committee has considered a report from the Lead Officer and also noted from the LTRC that there is strong support for Glen from our members across all London Underground grades and taken the decision to conduct a ballot for strike action and action short of a strike.