LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

Every Job Matters Tube Dispute Ballot Results

30th June 2015

Dear Colleague,

Every Job Matters – Defending Jobs on London Underground

Further to previous correspondence regarding the above, the ballot has now concluded with members voting as follows:-

Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast 1945
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 1781
Number Voting ‘No’ 159
Spoilt Papers 5

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Total Votes Cast 1945
Number Voting ‘Yes’ 1826
Number Voting ‘No’ 99
Spoilt Papers 20

Station Staff Balloted In Noel Roberts Reinstatement Fightback


Further to my previous Circular (IR/070/15, 12th March 2015), members will be aware that preparations were underway to conduct a ballot for industrial action of all Station Grades members at East Ham, Tower Hill and Embankment over the unfair dismissal of Brother Noel Roberts.

Bakerloo News May June 2015

Bakerloo News is the newsletter for RMT members in the Bakerloo branch. In this edition:

  • Tories plan new anti-union laws:labour movement must fight back!
  • Prepare for action on pay, Night Tube, job cuts
  • Full-time station staff relocation
  • Fixed-term contract CSAs: know your rights!
  • Defending one-hour meal breaks

RMT Preparing For Possible Pay And Night Tube Strike

RMT declares dispute over tube night running and derisory pay offer and prepares to ballot for action

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that it has declared a formal dispute with London Underground over an outrageous attempt to drive a coach and horses through existing procedures by attempting to impose new rosters on staff in the run up to the scheduled date for the introduction of night tube operation – 12th September 2015. The rosters would pin staff into a regime of anti-social hours and appalling working conditions.

RMT Fights Against Rainbow Process As Fit For Work Member Sacked


Further to my previous Circular (IR/100/15, 16th April 2015), a resolution regarding this matter has been received from the London Transport Regional Council, which notes the recent dismissal of Noel Roberts whilst fit and at work. This amounts to a capability/rainbow dismissal which is not a recognised nor agreed procedure with our Union and leaves all LUL members vulnerable to being sacked whilst fit and at work.

RMT Says No To New Tube Faulty Radio Procedure


There is a new rule going live on May 4th, OSN 118. This would see trains running in passenger services with no direct contact the controller. This is obviously an unacceptable risk to the RMT.

We have had various meetings with LU on this matter and we have continually objected to its introduction. As LU were intent on imposing this on us we have contacted our Head Office with a view to escalating the matter. You will be hearing from our union top brass in due course on this matter.

Moving The Goal Posts: Tube Bosses Arbitrary Performance Bonus

Moving the goalposts?

A few years ago LUL introduced a performance bonus for operational staff. It wasn't something the RMT asked for, or were happy about. As a Union we believe that all earnings should be consolidated, i.e. included in the salary so that it is pensionable and goes up with inflation. However, LUL wanted a system that rewarded “good performance” so decided to pay us extra if we met certain targets. Sometimes we met them and sometimes we didn't – but at least it was possible to meet them.

As Tube Job Cuts Kick In, Race Crimes Increase

RMT demands end to staff cuts as new figures show continuing increases in race hate crimes on our railways

RAIL UNION RMT today demanded an end to staffing cuts as new figures obtained by the Press Association reveal that the number of suspected race hate crimes taking place on the railways continues to rise with four reported to police every day last year.