LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

Jubilee South Branch Prepared to Defend Unfairly Treated Disabled Member

RMT London Transport Region's Jubilee South branch has unanimously passed a motion in support of branch member Francis Darcy.  Francis is a long term RMT member and London Underground worker; who is employed as a SAMF.  Francis developed Repetitive Strain Injury whilst doing her job, and despite the difficulties this condition has causes her, has maintained her condition, and was doing her job just days ago.  However at a recent 'case conference' the decision was taken to redeploy her to an unknown role, without warning.

RMT to prepare ballot for 'bullied and victimised' activist brother Hart

We note the report of the Lead Officer and we also note the GGC decision of the 28/05/15 that we would prepare a ballot for strike action if Bro Hart receives a disciplinary warning for carrying out trade union activities.

Bro Hart has been bullied and victimised since this date and now faces dismissal on trumped up charges that are related to his activities based on standing firm in defence of agreed and legitimate trade union activities.

LU Stations and the 4 Day Week

The General Secretary has written to all RMT members on LU to explain that LU has made it clear that all staff covered by the pay offer can discuss the specifcs of a compressed working week at functional level.

I would like to make it clear that the longer shifts that would be necessary for a four day week are already possible within our stations framework and this is why no refferendum of station staff is taking place.

Tube Bosses Transfer & Promotion Policy Unacceptable


Further to my previous Circular (IR/124/15, 14th May 2015), the Lead Officer has discussed the legal findings with the Stations and Revenue Functional Council Secretary and advised that LUL’s proposals for the T&P have not changed and remain unacceptable. The Company still want to remove the right to nominate for promotion to grades for which a licence is held. They are also proposing to remove payment for Higher Grade Working until three consecutive shifts have been worked.

Every Job Matters Industrial Action Planned For Two Days Next Week

This action is suspended - details here


Further to my previous Circular (IR/194/15, 12th August 2015), members are reminded of the forthcoming strike action detailed below. All Station Grades members are instructed not to book on for any shifts that commence between:-

  • 18:30 hours on Tuesday 25th August 2015 and 18:29 hours on Wednesday 26th August 2015.

A Time Line Of The Night Tube Dispute

Night Tube was first announced in October 2013 at the same time as London Underground bosses and Tory mayor Boris Johnson announced plans for massive cuts to the tube and the closure of every ticket office.

The RMT has held the position since day one that we are willing to discuss any increase in Tube services. In this official union decision in November 2013 we made our position clear:

"This union is willing to discuss any proposals to extend the services offered to our passengers – including all-night running – so long as these are done safely and do not involve loss of jobs or worsening of working conditions for our members."

RMT Willing To Discuss Any Extension To Tube Services Including All Night Running

In September 2014, the date that London Underground plan to launch Night Tube was announced, but still bosses hadn't agreed with the workers via their unions how it would be staffed.