LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

Power Control Strike - Safety Information

  • LUL document reveals power control strike could lead to line suspensions
  • Attached below is LUL 'change assurance plan' and information which can be displayed in depots and other relevant workplaces.

As you may be aware our power control room members are currently taking industrial action. This action started at 20.00hrs on July 1st and is scheduled to run until the 20.00hrs on July 15th.

The Train’s Safety Council met with management prior to earlier planned action by these workers to discuss how this would impact on the safety of drivers.

Every Job Matters: Job Cuts Figures by Proposed Cover Groups

Please see the download showing the number of jobs to be cut under LU's proposals.

The figures are complied by cover area. These are the areas over which cover is organised in the new proposed model. The areas included in each cover area are shown.

Local reps should study these figures and communicate them to all members.

RMT Stations Functional Council Rep.

Report of Bank group Level 1 meeting, Thursday 26 June


RMT put the case for more staff on the group, in particular:

  • more weekend staff at Bank
  • an additional weekday middle-turn CSA at St. Paul’s
  • adjusting staffing at Chancery Lane during the evening peak

If there are other specific times and locations which you would like to be considered, please let me know.

Management agreed to put together a ‘business case’ for these. But we need evidence!

Station by Station Review: Member Feedback

RMT, London Underground and other unions are involved in ongoing talks regarding 'Fit for the Future: Stations' plans. Our succesful industrial action has secured further and more detailed talks which include a station by station review. This could be a positive step but tube bosses propose to carry it out in a very short amount of time.

Boris's Broken Commitment To Keep All Ticket Offices Open

With strike action solid this morning, tube union RMT reminded Mayor Boris Johnson of his repeated promises not to close tube ticket offices – broken promises that run right to the heart of the dispute.

Asked last year about his plans to close a number of ticket offices across London, Boris Johnson's spokesperson said:

"This Mayor takes his promis es to Londoners extremely seriously. Every station that has a ticket office will continue to have one.”

RMT Platform Newsletter April 2014

Talks reveal cuts will affect all station staff. LU remains determined to cut 953 jobs and won’t guarantee to protect wages. It’s time to strike again!

In this edition:

  • Why we need to keep fighting.....
  • Q&A
  • Everyone stands to lose: lowest grades could lose most
  • Reasonable adjustments?

Tube Job Cuts Talks Report Reveals 1800 Job Cut Threat

  • Update as current talks reach conclusion
  • 1800 front line jobs threatened
  • LU is demanding cuts in operational pay rates while suggesting that a salary four times that of the Prime Minister is not enough for a senior manager.
  • Disastrous reforms which nobody besides senior management either need or want

Please print and distribute the newsletter below, from which this text is taken

RMT Platform Newsletter March 2014

The March 2014 edition of 'RMT Platform' for tube station workers is now available. In this edition:

  • Union Action Pauses Cuts and Closures Plan - But the Fight Goes On
  • Be Prepared To Strike Again
  • The issues RMT has raised in talks so far
  • Join The Campaign
  • Embankment Ticket Office Closed