LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

Opinion Poll Shows Londoners' Opposition To Ticket Office Closures And Fare Increases

An RMT news release sent out to today from the RMT's media department increases pressure on LU's plans to close ticket offices. A survey carried out on behalf of the union by 'Survation' clearly shows the the publics opposition to ticket office closures and fare rises. This survey underlines the importance of our union's campaign to keep ticket offices open and shows that the public supports us on this issue.

Click on the attachment to see the full report.

The RMT's press release is below:


October 16th 2013


Petitions Call For Ticket Office Closures To Be Scrapped

The following petitions from various groups are all calling for London Underground ticket offices to be protected.

Please consider adding your signature:

  • Boris: keep your promise - sign the 38 Degrees petition to keep ticket offices open in the London underground.
  • This Labour Party campaign calls for lower fares and the protection of ticker offices -

JLE PED isolation - if it aint broke dont fix it

Why replace a safe system with a high risk dangerous one? The RMT is very concerned by the dangerous plans by management on the Jubilee Line to alter our procedure for isolating a defective Platform Edge Door. We believe a member of staff must be positioned by an isolated platform edge door is essential to maintaining a safe operation.
Station staff are the eyes and ears for drivers in these situations, and their absence can lead to dangerous situations and possible injuries - most notably to children, visually impaired people and mobility impaired people.

As Boxing Day Tube Use Increases, RMT Calls For Equal Bonus For All Grades

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd dated 13 September and 1 October 2013, and the discussion of this item at the Company Council meeting on 26 September 2013. This correspondence confirms that the LUL/ASLEF agreement traded changes to the Train Operators Resourcing Agreement (TOPRA) for the £350 bonus for working on Boxing Day.

Executive Report Regional Council September 2013

This is our Council Of Executive Member Janine Booth's report to the regional Council meeting for September. This is just a brief overview - many of the items will be on this site, but you can find out more by attending regional council held on the last Thursday of each month at the Exmouth Arms near Euston Station. EQUALITIES REPORT Women • Advisory Committee meeting today; verbal report to be given

Demo: Save Whitechapel Ticket Office

The RMT will hold a demonstration opposing the closure of Whitechapel ticket office on Saturday 19th October between 09.30am and 10.30am, outside Whitechapel station.

Everyone is welcome to attend, so please feel free to spread the word to anyone you think would be interested.

Attached is a poster, which you can display in your workplace.

See you there.

Lorna Tooley
Branch Secretary
East Ham Branch, RMT

Following Holland Park Incident, RMT Tells Tube Bosses Guarantee To Retain Staff Or We Are In Dispute

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd regarding inner inter-car barriers. We also note the appalling incident at Holland Park station during the Notting Hill Carnival, during which distressed passengers escaped from the train by breaking through these barriers.

This incident - together with others, including the escape of a boy from a train in Queens Park depot on the Bakerloo line - completely discredit LUL's claim that these barriers prevent passengers escaping from trains when the doors are closed.

LU Still Refuses to Discuss Ticket Office Closures

Following the publication, in the Evening Standard, of a plan to close every ticket office on the tube we wrote to the COO demanding an urgent meeting of the stations & revenue functional council.
Having refused to discuss ticket office closure plans at previous meetings we were a little surprised when an ad-hoc meeting was arranged for 5th Sept.
We needn’t have been. Management came to the meeting and told us, again, that they have no plans at this stage and therefore cannot discuss the matter!

RMT Proposal For Boxing Day Working Improvements Rejected

We note that ASLEF has resolved its dispute with London Underground Ltd, reaching a settlement that drivers who work on Boxing Day will receive a £350 payment and that this is financed through amendments to the Train Operators Resourcing Agreement (TOPRA). These amendments cause some detriment to drivers, particularly newer drivers, who may find themselves unable to move to the depot of their choice for a longer period of time. RMT is not party to this agreement, and does not accept that working conditions should be sold in this way.