LUL Stations

RMT Stations
For the latest on our fight against job cuts on London Underground go to our campaign Every Job Matters .

LU must give justice to the 33 sacked agency workers

The Bakerloo Branch agreed the following resolution for the attention of the RMT's General Grades Committee:

"The Bakerloo Branch notes the disgraceful treatment of our members, formally employed by Trainpeople, by London Underground. Despite assurances to our General Secretary and members of our Stations Functional Council, our members’ treatment in the LU recruitment process has been scandalous. We note that at least two thirds of our members have been unsuccessful in the recruitment process despite many of them doing the job for 5 years. We believe that LU has rigged and abused the recruitment process to deny our members direct employment. The fact that 32 of our 33 members are black or are ethnic suggests that racism is a central factor in their treatment.

RMT London Calling Newsletter March 2013 Edition

Download or view the newsletter below

Mike Brown Confirms LU to attack Stations Jobs

On February 18th Our General Secretary Bob Crow met with Mike Brown to discuss the future of Jobs on the combine. LU are pressing ahead with plans to remove night-turn supervisors and gave no assurances about the grade of staff left to run the stations through the traffic day.

We must insist that 24 hour coverage of our stations by supervisors is maintained to guarantee’ safety and
that correct procedures are followed by companies in Engineering hours.

L1 reps Should Speak to SFC rep Before attending Ad-Hoc or Informal Meeting Re:Future Stations Plans

RMT Stations Functional Council (SFC) reps have become aware that some L1 Reps on at least two lines have been asked to attend meetings with local and line managers to discuss LU's plans for the future organisation of station staffing.

There has been no formal consultation at any level over this issue and it is a clear breech of our agreed machinery of negotiation for LU to take the matter staright to L1.

Go Into Depots Or Sidings With Passengers On Board? Over Your Dead Body!

London Underground wants Bakerloo line drivers to drive out-of-service trains into depots and sidings without checking first that all passengers have got off the train.

This has resulted in over 3,000 passengers being carried into depots and sidings, many times more than on all other London Underground lines put together. On other lines, staff physically check the train is empty first.

RMT Believes LULs Upgrade Programme Used As A Pretext To Attack Jobs

Further to our decision Gww 8/1/13, we note the report from our representatives' meeting held on 25 January.

We note that London Underground's Upgrades programme has a significant impact on many of our members, including providing a pretext for LUL management to attack jobs and conditions. It is therefore essential that we mobilise all our relevant representatives to work together in unity to secure the best possible outcome for our members and for the future of London Underground.

Revenue & Station Grades AGM February 28th 2013

The station grades AGM is on Thursday February 28 at 1430 at the Exmouth Arms, Starcross st, NW1. nearest stations Euston & Euston Sq

We will be electing; Chair & Secretary If you wish to stand for these positions please come and put your name forward

We are also having a Regional recruitment/organising day on the Jubilee South branch area. Meet at London Bridge at 1030 on 28/02/13

Please come and support these events. Its your union make sure you have your say.

In solidarity

Remembering The 173 Who Died At Bethnal Green Tube Station

The Bethnal Green tube shelter disaster turned out to be the worst civilian disaster of World War 2, yet very few people know about it.

The Central line had not reached further East than Liverpool Street when the 2nd World war broke out, so work on the unfinished Bethnal Green underground station stopped. It was a natural place for East Londoners to shelter in safety from the bombs, particularly during the Blitz. There was no track and no trains could run through it, so it could accommodate up to 10,000 people sleeping on the platforms, in the tunnels and in the pit where the track would normally have been. Unlike the present 3 entrance/exits to the station there was only one entrance to the shelter during the war. You went through a narrow doorway that opened out straight onto the rough, wide steps, that were open to the elements so there could be no light to show the way down otherwise enemy planes would have seen it.

Thermal Comfort & Cold Stress Survey For London Underground Station Staff

RMT Health & Safety rep Julie Miller is investigating the affect cold weather has on us at work and whether thermal wear will improve our working conditions

Click 'Read More' to complete the survey

Thermal Comfort is defined in British Standard BS EN ISO 7730 as: ‘that condition of mind which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment.’

So the term ‘Thermal Comfort’ describes a person’s psychological state of mind and is usually referred to in terms of whether someone is feeling too hot or too cold.

This survey will only look at the impact the cold weather has on staff. With your help, I will provide evidence that the cold and windy environment you have to work in has a detrimental affect on your physical and psychological well being.

Companies and grades: